Henricus Historical Park Commemorates Founding During Publick Days 9/21-22


Henricus Welcomes Godspeed from Jamestown Settlement

Henricus Historical Park 3Henricus Historical Park will commemorate its anniversary during Publick Days, a signature event which celebrates the establishment of the second successful English settlement in the New World. In September 1611, Sir Thomas Dale, along with soldiers, tradesmen and farmers, ventured from Jamestown to create the Citie of Henricus.

Leaders of Henricus developed the first English hospital, chartered the first college in North America, established tobacco as the first cash crop in Virginia, and created a place where Pocahontas lived and met John Rolfe. Publick Days will take place:

Sept. 21 and 22, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is free and parking is $5 per vehicle.

Visitors to Henricus will be transported back in time through encounters with more than 100 period-dressed historical interpreters portraying 17th-century life in recreated English and Virginia Indian settlements. Activities planned for Publick Days include:

  • living history re-enactments
  • English and Virginia Indian weapons demonstrations
  • craftsmen and blacksmiths
  • 17th-century medicinal demonstrations
  • Virginia Indian and Colonial songs and dance
  • hands -on educational activities and crafts for families
  • storytelling
  • food and craft vendors and lots more.

On the bluff overlooking the James River, reenactments will explore the military history of Dutch Gap from 1781 to 1917. Both days of the event, 17th century ship replica, Godspeed from Jamestown Settlement, will be docked at Henricus. Godspeed is a recreation of one of the three ships which transported America’s first permanent English colonists to Virginia in 1607. The ship’s crew will demonstrate Colonial maritime skills and examine the historic significance of Godspeed.

On September 23 and 24, Henricus will offer “Living History” group tours of Godspeed and the outdoor living history museum. Tours are 2.5 hours in length and $16/person. Make reservations by September 22 by calling (804)318-8797.

Visit the website for more information and directions.



Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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