Congrats! MAKING KIDS COUNT Award Goes to Child Development Resources!

On October 15th, local non-profit, Child Development Resources (CDR), will receive the Carol S. Fox MAKING KIDS COUNT Award for their exemplary work to improve the lives of children in Virginia.  baby

CDR has been helping infants, toddlers and their families in the Historic Triangle area since 1966. CDR serves approximately 1,000 families annually, provides free screenings and developmental assessments, as well as many other services including:

-Early Head Start: Enrolled families facing poverty or other serious challenges receive comprehensive services including health and developmental screenings
-Parents as Teachers: Helps prenatal moms and families who are at risk for poor health or developmental delay by enhancing parenting skills.
-Infant-Parent Program: Services include individualized physical, occupational, and speech therapy for children with disabilities and developmental delays.
-First Step Child Care & Development Centers: Provides full-day, high-quality childcare for low-income families whose parents are working, in school or employed full-time

CDR’s Center for Professional Development: This self-sustaining program allows CDR to share its expertise with other early childhood professionals. CDR is also proud to lead Virginia’s Infant & Toddler Specialist Network, a statewide program, which seeks to achieve excellence in early care.

The Carol S. Fox MAKING KIDS COUNT Award is being presented by Voices for Virginia’s Children, a non profit, non partisan policy research and advocacy organization at the second annual Carol S. Fox MAKING KIDS COUNT Award reception at the Jepson Alumni Center at the University of Richmond.

To learn more about CDR, to make a donation or volunteer go to

To learn more about Voices for Virginia’s Children visit



Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at

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