50% of Postpartum Women Experience This…

0_0_0_0_105_99_csupload_481809150% of postpartum women experience this problem and more than 60% of them don’t get help.

Urinary stress incontinence can occur when sneezing, coughing or exercising and embarrassment usually prevents women from getting help.

Cora T.Huitt, P.T.,D.P.T., B.C.B.-P.M.D. and Women’s Health Physical Therapy have a new treatment option to help a problem hidden behind decades of silence.  InTone™ is a new device with combines biofeedback with muscle stimulation and exercises that provides fast, easy treatment which can be done in the comfort of your own home.  After daily 10 minute sessions, with voice-guided instruction and progress is automatically recorded recorded.  InTone™ offers a money back guarantee; and Huitt from Women’s Health Physical Therapy is the only physical therapist in Virginia who has special training to provide patients with this treatment.

You can contact Women’s Health Physical Therapy by phone 804.379.3002 or whptrichmond@gmail.com

For more about urinary stress incontinence and other treatments provided by Women’s Health Physical Therapy, visit their website.


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