Macy’s Believe Campaign: Making Dreams Come True

Macy's, Make A Wish,

Short Pump “Believe” launch.

Would you write a letter to help Make-A-Wish raise $1,000,000? That’s exactly what the Macy’s “Believe” campaign is all about.

You have an awesome opportunity to write a letter to Santa and drop it off at Macy’s during the holiday season to benefit Make-A-Wish of America. Not only is this campaign about Macy’s helping the Wish Kids’ dreams come true, but it’s a unique way to remind children and adults about the holiday tradition of letter writing to Santa.

Imagine the magic that letters can bring to children all over the world! Dreams really do come true!

Write a Letter

Macy’s has made it so fun and easy to write, decorate, print, and prepare your special letter. Click here for the online tools to make it fun for kids and adults. The interactive website makes it fun for even the youngest child to create a letter. Or, if you prefer, you can simply download the “Believe” stationery and hand-write your letter, paint, color, and decorate it any way you choose.

Click here to see some of the wishes that have been granted in previous years.

Follow 4 Simple Steps

Here’s how it works:

  1. Write your letter and drop off by December 24, 2013 at your nearby Macy’s store.
  2. Just drop off your letter, stamped and addressed to Santa at the North Pole at the Believe station Santa mail letterbox at any Macy’s store.
  3. For each letter received, Macy’s will donate $10 to Make-A-Wish America up to $1 million.
  4. Money will be used to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Macy's, Make A Wish, Faith Panebianco“Writing a letter to Santa and delivering it to one of our community Macy’s stores is a fun way for children of all ages to connect with the spirit of the holidays,” Sheri Lambert, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia chapter said. “We are grateful for Macy’s continued support over the years on helping these incredible children to build hope, gain strength and experience joy during this magical time of year.”

National “Believe” Day

National “Believe” Day is December 6, 2013 and what a wonderfully magical day it will be! Macy’s is helping Make-A-Wish grant over 60 wishes across the country for Wishes Across America. Watch for more details about this event in Richmond.

Children everywhere will experience the magic of Christmas as they watch Yes, Virginia” on CBS at 8:30 PM ET on December 6 too. It’s a holiday classic with a very special message that reminds us all that miracles do come true – and that’ the magic of the holidays.

Help Macy’s as they make it possible to grant wishes to children through holiday “Believe” campaign. Make it a family event, write letters together, and share the magic. What a magical way to teach children about the spirit of the season!




Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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