Be a Quitter for Your Kids

Be a quitter!

lung associIf you’re a smoker, or used to be a smoker, you know that it is not an easy thing to quit. But you also know that there are many good reasons to quit – one important reason being the gift you give your children when you quit smoking.

Marjorie Adcock is a former smoker and she can attest to the fact that it is not easy to quit. As a middle school math teacher, Marjorie knew that her addiction to smoking was harming her and others around her. So she took action.

New Year’s Day 2014 was actually her 6th year anniversary of living smoke-free. When asked why she finally quit after so many years, she said simply, “My kids.”

By quitting smoking, Marjorie improved her health and made it possible to enjoy more time with her kids every day – and she gave her kids and herself the gift of increasing the possibility of living a longer and healthier life too. She’s a great example for others and proves that it can be done with determination and support.

Phil Wilkins is also a quitter. He began his journey towards better health in early January 2014 for multiple reasons. “My family wants me to to quit so they are supporting me in this journey. I want to quit so I feel better and can live longer. I know what smoking does to my body and I’ve tried quitting before, but this time is different. I’ve reached out for resources and help so I can succeed. I don’t think I failed in the past – I just think it’s part of the whole process of quitting to finally get it right.  I’m not giving up – I’m JUST QUITTING!”

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions, including the resolution to quit smoking. But sometimes that momentous January 1st date passes and you find yourself still smoking.

That’s okay! Today is a new day and it’s the perfect day to make a resolution to stop smoking and take positive steps toward succeeding.

Thanks to the American Lung Association and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, we have some excellent resources and support to help you or your loved one succeed.

‘Quitter in You’

The American Lung Association in Virginia and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield have joined together on “Quitter in You,” a program to support all smokers in the Richmond metro area in their efforts to quit smoking. Like Phil, it’s important for smokers to understand that past attempts at quitting are not failures, but normal and necessary steps to quitting for good.  Now is a great time to try again, and the American Lung Association is standing by ready to help.

american lungThe first step is making a plan and setting a date to quit. There are many ways to gain the support and encouragement needed to succeed in quitting:

  1. Solicit support and love from family and friends who will help you in your efforts.
  2. Consider working with healthcare providers, trained cessation counselors, and peers who are going through the same process.
  3. Take advantage of the Quitter in You campaign and call or chat with friendly and supportive cessation counselors.
  4. Additional support is available from the American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® Lung Helpline (1-800-LUNG-USA), Freedom From Smoking® Online ( and Freedom From Smoking® in-person clinics.

The American Lung Association of Virginia and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield firmly believe that every smoker can quit. Because every person is different, each smoker must find the right combination of techniques to help them quit. By looking back at previous times they’ve tried to quit, smokers can figure out what helped them stay away from cigarettes and what they might want to do differently next time. If they keep trying and stay motivated, all smokers will be able to end their addiction and begin a new, healthier stage in their life.

2014 Fight for Air Climb

You also don’t want to miss the 2014 Fight for Air Climb on Saturday, February 8, 2014. The event will be held at Hines Riverfront Plaza to help improve lung health and prevent lung disease. Participants in this event are climbing for those who are trying to quit smoking, ‘fighting for air’ due to lung cancer, for those with asthma, for those who struggle to breathe because air pollution threatens their lives, and for anyone who can’t breathe on his own.


Join this event and help raise awareness and money for more research on lung disease.  And if you want to quit smoking, February 8 is a great day to QUIT and take your first step towards a healthier life.

Quit Today

Make today the first day of a healthier life ahead by quitting smoking. It’s an important step you take for yourself and for those you love. But you don’t have to do it alone. Check out local resources, ask family and friends for support, and take that first step towards quitting. This is one time you’ll be glad you QUIT!

Freedom From Smoking® – The gold standard of quit smoking programs. For more than 30 years, Freedom From Smoking has helped hundreds of thousands of people to quit for good.

Better Breathers Clubs – For people with COPD, support as well as improved treatment can help improve quality of life. Local support groups offer tools, resources and encouragement in a compassionate environment.

Lung HelpLine – Staffed by registered nurses and registered respiratory therapists, the Lung HelpLine is a free service that provides answers to questions about lung health and lung disease.

Talk to An Expert – 1-800-LUNG-USA

For information about additional programs, visit this website.

If you have tips for people trying to quit, leave a comment below. Support comes from everywhere!