10 (or 8…) Reasons Not to Have Another Baby

4 Years Ago

4 Years Ago

I really loved having babies.  I really did.  I can’t believe that my youngest is turning 4 this week.  Where did the time go?  Maybe that’s why (yet again) I’m having baby fever.  I really miss my cute, snugly little babies that smelled so good and were so sweet….  you get the picture!

When I start down that road, I need to remind myself of all the good reasons to not have another baby.  So here is my list, so I can come back to it when the fever hits and knock some sense into me.

  1. The docs would say things to me during my prenatal care like I’m at “increased risk” and have “advanced maternal age.”  Ouch.

  2. Thinking about another year pumping breastmilk at work just about cracks my head open.

  3. We’d probably have to take out a second mortgage to pay for three kids in daycare/after-school care.

  4. Whenever I bring up babies with my husband, the conversation ends with me whining “stop raining on my parade!”

  5. We have almost gotten rid of all the baby paraphernalia, like the crib, swing, and infant car seats.  So yeah we’d have to get those things again.  Ca-ching.

  6. I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to sit in the cheerio-encrusted stroller we have!  Guess we’d have to add that to our list of purchase too.

  7. I’m just now really getting back into the swing of sleeping through the night again.  I had forgotten how enjoyable it is.

  8. I need to happy with what I’ve got.

  9. Hmmm…. this “ten” list is really hard….

  10. OK so I can only think of eight reasons.

My head knows all these things, now if only my head would translate them in a way my heart could understand.  See, I’m healthy and 36 isn’t that old, right?  I could pump breast milk; it’d be a nice little break from work everyday, and what is money anyway?  I think my husband could come around, and we know now what we truly need so the cost wouldn’t have to be exorbitant.

Ok…..  here I go down the road.  I think I need to re-read the list now!

Mary Beth Cox

Mary Beth is full-time working, married mom. She is a military brat with southern roots who served in the Peace Corps, survived government employment, and currently works for a Richmond-based healthcare nonprofit. With her 2 kids emerging from the toddler years, she’s here to report that parenting is the toughest job she's ever loved.

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About Mary Beth Cox

Mary Beth is full-time working, married mom. She is a military brat with southern roots who served in the Peace Corps, survived government employment, and currently works for a Richmond-based healthcare nonprofit. With her 2 kids emerging from the toddler years, she’s here to report that parenting is the toughest job she's ever loved.