“What’s the deal with that Easter basket?”

Since my style more closely aligns with modern furnishings and accessories, I do not particularly like baskets in general. However, there is something about Easter baskets that I love. I appreciate their bright colors, their shape and the way the traditional Easter basket handle arcs over the basket itself.  Easter Baskets also convey a rich, historical tradition.

These baskets offer the perfect storage and decorating solution all in one!  Over the years, I have stored matchbox cars, crayons, toiletries, books, and my writing utensils in what most would describe as an Easter Basket. After Easter is over, I just refer to it as a basket. It is all the same, right?

A few weeks after Easter, my co-workers ask me, “What’s the deal with that Easter basket?” pointing to the basket in my office that holds granola bars, candy and assorted confections. People somehow find it unsettling that this time of year has passed by, but the basket has stayed put. I submit that a brightly colored basket, which happens to be in the shape of the standard Easter Basket still has a place in our lives after Easter ends. They are vibrant, cheerful and functional. Here are a few examples of how I use these fun baskets year round:

Flowered Basket

Classic Easter basket

basket for Play Doh

basket for Play Doh

basket for favorite books

basket for favorite books

basket for swim gear

basket for swim gear

basket for office supplies

basket for office supplies

What do you think about “re-purposing” Easter baskets for general storage? Yay or nay?



Fiona Bessey-Bushnell

Fiona Bessey-Bushnell is an occupational therapist and writer. A former archaeologist, she now enjoys digging up great stories right here in Richmond. She has an unusual affinity for Venn diagrams and post-it notes. Fiona lives with her husband and two young sons.

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