The Value of a Summer Nanny – From the Nanny’s Perspective

College Nannies and Tutors

SholpansChristianHannahSummer is quickly approaching and for some families this means kids wanting several months of fun and activities. This means more driving, and more planning and coordinating. But with a busy career and not enough vacation days, sometimes it can be nearly impossible for parents to keep up with an action-packed summer that your kids really want. This is where a summer nanny would be incredibly beneficial.

I spent years as a nanny and being a nanny over the summer was especially rewarding. I loved it, the kids loved it, and I could tell the parents loved it as well. It is a win win situation where everyone had less stress and more fun!

Here are a few reasons why I loved being a summer nanny:

1. No school, no school work. I never like seeing how stressed children get over school work. In summer, they can be more relaxed. Without busy school schedules, you and the children can have carefree fun all day for months! It’s a great time for the children and the nanny to just sit back and enjoy hanging out together. And mom and dad know that the kids are safe, having fun but being supervised.

2. More time, more bonding. Of course, being with a family after school every day allows for plenty of time to get to know children, but in summer when you are with the kids all day, you can learn all sorts of things about them! You can find out their favorite activities, their best friends, what they want to be when they grow up and even what troubles them. A nanny can be a great sounding board for the things kids go through.

3. More free time, more crafts! Personally, I love doing arts and crafts and baking. Summer is the time where I can finally go through all those ideas I thought looked so cool on Pinterest and actually do them! This has always been a big hit with the girls I nannied. They loved helping pick out the craft or recipe and spending time working on it together.LynseySam

Now for the reasons your family will love having a summer nanny:

1. Less school, more time (for nannies in college). Most summer nannies will be available to help you from the moment the kids wake up to the moment you are home from work. In the summer, you don’t need to work around the nanny’s class schedule. They can be flexible and totally available to you and your children.

2. Not the neighbor’s 15 year old, but a nanny with a license to drive. When you have the kind of children that need constant entertainment, it is great to have a nanny with a license and a (safe) car! This opens up a lot of possibilities. The kids would be able to go to the pool, the mall, the movie theater, sports practice, day camps, you name it. Nannies are used to driving children to activities, so this is something they would be completely fine with doing and will probably even expect.

3. Children gone, Laundry done. All of those household chores and groceries you needed to do, done. When your nanny isn’t entertaining your children during a playdate for instance, she could be helping out in other ways. Most nanny positions include these things already so it’s perfectly normal to ask your nanny to help out a little around the house.

These are just a few reasons why a summer nanny is a wonderful idea. If you need help finding one, let College Nannies & Tutors assist you!  We will do the searching for you, screen and approve the candidates and find the right fit for your family. That’s what we do, all day, every day.  Our nannies are experienced, professional, and most of all, fun!  As a nanny placement coordinator, I love helping families find the best nanny match while providing jobs to some really great role models! So visit our website, fill out a profile, and let us handle the rest!

Lynsey, Nanny Placement Coordinator

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Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at

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