Who is Edwin The Duck?

edwinRmom: It’s pretty rare that you get to have an interview with a duck.  Today I interview not just any duck but Edwin the Duck, an app-enhanced smart companion who is helpful to parents and a life-long friend to children. Edwin, would you care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Edwin: Quack! I mean, hi everyone! My name is Edwin, and the rumors are true: I’m no ordinary duck! I’m not one to brag, but since you asked… I’m an interactive singing, story-telling, temperature-sensing, floating, LED light glowing friend, and I’d love to be part of your family!

Rmom: I hear you can help parents and children with evening routines through useful features and fun songs. Tell us more.

Edwin: Well, my ancestors were rubber ducks, so obviously I love to be in the tub. If it’s too hot, I turn red and warn mom or dad with a “Quack!” When the water is just right, I like to sing though my waterproof Bluetooth speaker. I think I sound pretty good, if I do say so myself. Oops, I’m bragging.

Edwin bath time

Edwin helps bath time by singing songs and sending your phone the temperature of the water.


Rmom: Tell us about Story Time.

Edwin: I love story time. I love telling you stories, such as the one about overcoming feeling small, but it’s even better when you follow along on a smart device and see the animated, interactive pages. I’m always coming up with new adventures to tell, and they always involve learning and self-confidence.

edwin stories

Rmom: A lot of parents struggle with getting their kids to stay in bed and get to sleep. Can you help?

Edwin: Why, yes I can! Having a routine is very important for kids, so reading a story at bed time lets kids know that sleepy time is next. I have a selection of soothing sounds to keep noises around the house from waking kids up, or you can choose from a collection of custom made lullabies. I’d play one for you now, but I don’t want to put you to sleep! I can also light up in a color of your choice to act as a night light that keeps away closet monsters. They don’t care for ducks, you know.

Rmom: There you have it – straight from the Duck’s bill! Look for Edwin now on Kickstarter or visit the EdwinTheDuck website for more information.


Edwin the Duck was born at pi lab, which is comprised of creative, collaborative, inventive experts with a singular goal, to change the world through the products they make. Edwin has hatched on Kickstarter and will migrate to stores in April 2015. Special “early-duck” pricing available by pre-ordering him from his Kickstarter page.

Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at SarahsMotherBlog.wordpress.com

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