10 “Old Fashioned” Trends To Bring Back In 2015

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Our family has rediscovered The Andy Griffith Show, Bewitched and Leave It To Beaver.  Opie and the Beaver remind us of our own little guy.  While the past wasn’t perfect, these shows make us reminisce about  childhood and talk about what we’d like to see change.

Here are some ‘old time’ trends that should perhaps make a comeback!  (Thanks to my hubby for helping me refine the list!)

  1. Sending the kids #OutsideToPlay.  It’s kind of magic how June Cleaver tells the Beave to go outside, and he actually does it for hours, discovering his neighborhood and learning lessons on his own. Gauging from the number of kids I see at the bus stop that I never see any time else, I’m sure there are other families who’d like to kick the kids out of the house more.
  2. Having #TeaWithLadies.  I treasure my time with other women and moms.  Female friends are such an important source of comfort and support.  I want more time with them!  Tea anybody?  I’ll even wear an A-line dress and high heels!
  3. Eating #Sandwiches at home for lunch. Eating sandwiches, i.e., not wraps or Dorito tacos or Big Macs or $5 fast food heart attack bags.  At home, i.e., not on the go, not in your car.  For lunch.  It sounds simple and fresh and cheaper; let’s do this more!
  4. Reading #TheNewspaper.  When June and Ward sit together (without the TV on) and read the newspaper together, it makes a lovely, calming scene.   Newspapers today could use the business, and it would do us all good to be more informed about current events.  Let’s get our read on!
  5. #CallingEachOther on the telephone.  Remember doing this?  Like, all the time?  More and more it seems we actually call each other as a last resort.  Maybe it should be the first!  (And texting the back-up.)
  6. Having #FamilyNight.  My family rocks!  I’m sure yours does too!  We only have 18 years living under one roof together.  One night a week to focus on each other should trend for all 18 years.
  7. Having simple #BirthdayPartiesAtHome.  You invite friends to your house for your birthday party.  They dress up and come over.  You play a few games and you have cake and ice cream.
  8. #OpeningPresents at the birthday party.  A child who gives another child a gift should share in the joy of their friend opening the present they gave.  I’ve been to too many parties for young children where this doesn’t happen “because there’s not time.”  Let’s bring this back, please.
  9. #LimitingGifts.  Besides birthdays and gift-giving holidays like Christmas, no gifts.  Any other things that kids want, they have to earn the money and buy it themselves.  This trend would also mean that grandparents don’t “spoil” the children, and that there are no toys given with meals.  Also, no ‘treat bags’ for every holiday.  (#StopTheMadness)
  10. #KeepItDecent and #NoCussing.  I’m not even sure how to qualify this, except more 7-year-olds have likely heard cuss words and seen violence or sexy stuff than Beaver had at that age.  Also, technology seems to fuel fires of negativity and isolation.  Let’s treat each other with respect, consideration, and common decency.

Bonus:  Let’s all trend #love, #peace, #hope and #kindness.

Those should never go out of style.

Mary Beth Cox

Mary Beth is full-time working, married mom. She is a military brat with southern roots who served in the Peace Corps, survived government employment, and currently works for a Richmond-based healthcare nonprofit. With her 2 kids emerging from the toddler years, she’s here to report that parenting is the toughest job she's ever loved.

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About Mary Beth Cox

Mary Beth is full-time working, married mom. She is a military brat with southern roots who served in the Peace Corps, survived government employment, and currently works for a Richmond-based healthcare nonprofit. With her 2 kids emerging from the toddler years, she’s here to report that parenting is the toughest job she's ever loved.