Easy Crockpot Recipe + Martins Gift Card Giveaway


If there is one thing all parents have in common, it’s that they’re insanely busy. Regardless of whether you’re a working mom or a stay at home dad, dinner time rolls around way too fast and often times we find ourselves unprepared. Enter: crockpots. This is a super simple crock pot recipe you can throw together before work and dinner is ready by the time you get home!

What you need:
4-5 large boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 bag of baby carrots
8 red potatoes
1 can of cream of chicken soup
Salt, pepper and any additional seasoning your family likes

Cooking instructions: Cut larger pieces of chicken in 2 and quarter potatoes. Season chicken front and back with salt and pepper (and any other seasoning you’d like to add). Layer chicken, potatoes, carrots and top with cream of chicken soup (straight from the can, don’t add water) in crockpot. Cook on low heat for 8 hrs.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Let us know what some of your favorite crockpot recipes are!

Michelle Smith

Michelle is a young adult trying to strike a balance between accepting the ladder and holding on for dear life to the former. She is a photographer, pop culture enthusiast, caffeine connoisseur, critically acclaimed napper, dog lover and champion of spending too much money at Target. She’s passionate about progress, community, and kindness and she is fully embracing the opportunity that working with Richmondmom affords her in pursuing those passions.

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