Congratulations to our Hot Mama Fitness Makeover Winner 2010!

Congratulations go out to Kim Hodges, our 2010 Hot Mama Fitness Makeover Winner!  Please visit us often as we document Kim’s progress on the site. image image

AND we’re making a donation to Richmond Children’s Hospital for each entry.image 

Angel Beck

I am a proud single Mom of the most amazing and loving 9 year old boy. I am engaged to a wonderful man who has four boys. We are getting married in June. I am trying to lose weight so that I can feel beautiful inside and out on my wedding day. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and since 2007 have been working out and practicing a healthier and more active life. On my own I have lost 55 pounds. I need to lose 30 more to get to my goal weight and I am stuck. Working with a trainer and the incentive to win this contest could be the extra push I need. I am excited for all the ladies joining in this contest because its means healthier moms and happier families. Good luck everyone!!

Aileen Jones

Amy Foreman

I turned 40 in November and am realizing how hard it is to maintain a fit physique! Although I work out as often as I can squeeze it into my super busy schedule, I am always looking for new ways to get in shape. If I ate better, I probably wouldn’t have to work out as hard! My challenge is getting maximum results in the least amount of time. I’m willing to work my butt off (literally) in the time I spend at the gym, but need to develop more efficiency so I can maximize my time and continue to see results. I am a full-time working Mom with two little girls and a husband; I’d like to be nominated for this contest so I can challenge myself and look great (especially in time for bathing suit season -ugh!) Lastly, I am extremely committed to being physically fit, so it may be hard to get me out of the gym once I’ve started.

Anisha Walker


Becky Guthrow

I am nominating myself. I need a kick in the butt to get fit. I have let myself go since I have had my daughter. 2009 was a very rough year for me and I ate a lot to deal with all the stress I was under. I don’t have the money to hire someone to help me or even just sit down with me and try to set up a plan to get in shape. I want to be healthy and not have horrible back pain any more. My belly hangs over my pants and I hate it. It makes me so depressed sometimes and makes me feel so ugly. I am a single mom and am always looking for someone to settle down with and I feel like I can’t do that until I lose weight and feel more confident in myself. Please give me the opportunity to feel more confident and stop being so stressed out about my life.


Brandie McQueen


Breanne Hicks


Chanda Yarbrough

Before I became the proud mother of my soon-to-be 1 year old baby girl, I used to be very fit and active. Since becoming a mom, I have lost the motivation to exercise again. I get sad because I hate the way my clothes fit and can barely stand to look at myself in the mirror. I just need someone (or something) to help me get motivated! I am a single mother and would love to join a gym or have a personal trainer but I can’t afford it. This would be a great opportunity to help me get back in shape and regain the strength, energy, and health I need to take care of my daughter!

Erin Pittman

I am nominating Erin Pittman for the Hot Mama ‘10 makeover. Not only is she one of the best friends a woman could have, but she is also one of the hardest working, amazing moms in the world. It takes a lot to juggle a full time job, with a toddler, a 3 month old and a husband to boot. She does so with ease and grace but at the expense of herself. That includes personal time to work out, and treat herself! I know she would not only throw herself into a workout program with gusto, I know she would learn from it and continue to use whatever she learns to make herself even more of a Hot Mama!  So Tyler and I nominate her a million times!


Chontee Wood

I am deserving of the Richmond Hot Mama ‘10 Makeover because I need this! This is needed, so that I can get a jump start on my health and fitness. I need to be around for my children. If given this opportunity, I am determined to give this my all. This is my “last chance work” out as they say on the biggest loser! As mother’s we are caregivers and sometimes lose ourselves while taking care of others, especially when you have children. I work full time and have made excuses for not getting myself back on a healthy road. With your vote and support, I know I can make a life Long Change. Thank you so much!


Cris Fischer

I really want to get healthy in 2010. I am committed, but need some help in attaining my goals. It’s not just about loosing weight. I would really like to learn how to live healthy and be a better role model for my children.
Dana Johnson


Darlene Duty

This person is exhausted. Does everything for everyone but herself. Needs a makeover desperately and some time alone to exercise!


Erica Corey

I am 27 yrs. old and am due to give birth to my first child a baby girl in March of this year. I was over weight when I became pregnant and have been very careful about the weight I have put on but I am concerned about being healthy enough to keep up with my little girl as she grows up. As of right now I am unable to climb stairs or walk down the street with out getting out of breath..Id like to be able to run and play with my daughter, not only that but Id like to be in shape for myself I worry about my health and learning now how to get in shape an stay there will also give me the tools to help raise my child with good health an exercise habits. Please consider me for your prize

Erika Schaller

I am nominating my sister, Erika Schaller, because I think she totally deserves this chance to continue to improve her life. Last April my sister was more then 100 lbs over weight and made the decision to change her life and get healthy. She started to eat right watch her calories and work out at home. With out the help of any weight loss program or workout coach my sister has lost 83 lbs. She has worked so hard and has changed her life. I think she would benefit from a fitness coach who could help her loose the last 25 lbs that she can’t manage to take off on her own. She obviously has the desire, commitment and discipline to make this happen she just need guidance now to make it to the finish line. I know if she is given this chance she will make everyone as proud of her as I am today. That is why I think you should choose my sister Erika Schaller.


Erin Pittman



Eunita Wade

I dont want to say that I deserve to win the Richmond Hot Momma ‘10 Makeover, but it would bring me much happiness. I had my son on November 23, 2009. When I was 3 months pregnant, I lost my job and is still unemployed. During this time time I have searched for jobs and been on interviews but to no avail. After having my son I thought the weight would come off quickly but it has not. Though I am told to take in more calories because I am nursing, I feel like its not helping my efforts to lose the weight I want to get back into my old clothes and feel good about myself again. My son brings me much joy and even though my loving Husband tells me that Im beautiful I just dont see or feel right now. Please help me in putting the “hotness” back into this Momma!


Gwendolyn (Michelle) Gouldman

“My beautiful wife of 15 years has been a stay at home mom since we got married. Her self-sacrificing nature constantly has her foregoing things she deserves in order to do more for our children and the family. Because of complications she spent the better part of the first six years of our marriage pregnant and she feels that she has never been able to get back into the shape she was before the children.
Her added weight and lack of productive exercise has led to problems with her back and shoulders that cause her great discomfort and interfere with her ability to sleep. She stays up most nights until the children are on the bus and off to school in the morning before she literally passes out from exhaustion.

Her New Years resolution was to do for more herself. Affording a family of six, this would be a great opportunity to help her do that. I would love nothing more than to see her actively doing for herself and looking and feeling as healthy and beautiful as she is on the inside.”


Hollie Statzer

I am a 40 year old mother of three and have always lived my life for them. I have made a decision to get myself on track to health and wellness so I will be around to actively enjoy my future with my wonderful family! I am moderately overweight and should lose at least 50lbs. My goal is to lose 70lbs. I am tall at 5’11” so I carry my weight fairly well, but I know that my health is at risk because of my weight and low activity. I would be honored and would work very hard to make, my family and mostly myself proud of becoming a “hot mama”!

Honesty Brackett

I just had a baby 6 months ago and can’t seem to lose the remainder of my baby weight. I am getting married in May and would love to be fitter.


Janet Spiers

“My goal for 2010 is to try and work out more and take more time for myself. I always put my kids first and I want to take some time and focus on me.
It’s a mind, body, spirit goal.


Jeanne Hamby

Jeanne has been working so hard to meet her fitness and weight goals and she totally deserves a make-over. She is a hard-working mom and mother of an energetic 3-year old. She has successfully completed multiple biggest-loser contests and is currently training for a triathlon. She is working hard but needs some help to reach her goal. She totally deserves this!


Jenifer Burgess

2009 was such a hard year for me. My car died and I lost my job. Not only was I was going through a divorce, but my daughters father and her stepmom were divorcing as well. I may end up losing my home to the bank, but I’m hoping I can get a sale to go through before the foreclosure date. And my husband took the dogs. I really want to win this, not only so I can lose some weight, but I’m hoping this will give me the energy and mood boost I need to deal with all my current issues. I need something to look forward to every week, instead of realtors, bank calls, and lawyers. Thank You So Much! I hope you vote for me.


Jennifer Hatchett

I’m a busy, working mom of 3 boys (1 yr old, 4 yr old and 36 yr old) - what else do I need to say?!


Jennifer Whitlock

“I don’t know that I’m the most deserving for the Richmond Hot Mama ‘10 Makeover, but I can assure you I’m one of the most in need of it! As a mom of two (7 & 9), co-owner of a growing business(w/my hubby), and president of NAWBO Richmond, I’m more than busy. I’ve let everyone else’s needs take priority over mine - something’s got to change. Not only do I still have my baby weight - I’ve gained a bit more. I ran the Monument Ave. 10K last year to get fit. I loved running, but had a tough time sticking with the schedule after the race (and didn’t lose any weight!).

I want to win the makeover because I want to:
*be a fit & healthy mom
*have energy to set the world on fire
*feel good about myself every day
*buck the stats(diabetes runs in my family)

I need to have more than myself to answer to - who better than the entire Richmond Hot Mama network!?! Please help me set a positive example for my daughter and all the other Hot Mamas out there trying to juggle it all!”


Jessica Cardona

I have tried and tried to lose weight and get in shape. Even though I have tried everything I could possibly try, from pills, to fad diets, to just exercise and eating right, I have not been able to shed a large amount of lbs. I am considered to be overweight for my age and height and I am ready for a major change to be a healthier mom for my daughter. Losing weight would build my confidence level and I would be able to have a more social life. I know there are many mothers who deserve this, but I am motivated to make sure I get this…


Katherine Bruno

“I believe that when you feel good, you look good! I am already planning to get back into MY shape this summer! I just need the right tools, support and guidance to get me there! I love how working out can make you feel physically and mentally.
Before I became pregnant, I modeled for different artists in Richmond. I have plenty of ideas for my next shoots and can’t wait to get in front of the camera again! Also, I have plenty of tattoos that I need to keep fit and firm if I want them to look like they did when I first got them!
My husband wants to work out with me so I know that both of us would benefit from a gym routine! I know that I would be more than willing to share my before and after pictures and results with anyone!
I want to be a HOT MAMA!”


Kathie Bean

I have lost 60 of the 70 plus pounds that I gained from my pregnancy and would love to loose the last 10 or more pounds. It has been a challenge to get over the hump and loose the last 10 or so pounds and would like to try something new and different to kick start the last mile of my marathon of weight loss. Even though I don’t have a lot left to loose, I feel like I could be an inspiration to other mom’s who have gained a lot of weight, to know that you can get back to your old jeans and clothes before the baby came! I have been a member of Stroller Strides since May 2008 and that has been a big help in my weight loss, plus just the socialization I have gotten out of talking to other mom’s has been amazing. And would love to give a “shout out” so to speak for Rachel(Owner of SS Richmond) and the inspiration she has given all women who have come to Stroller Strides as well. Thank you for your consideration, Kathie Bean


Kathryn Adams

I am nominating myself because I need to lose the last few pounds and I really need help getting them off. I have lost 200+ pounds and need help with the exercising and trying to tighten and tone. I am a single mom that really does nothing for herself and my 30 year class reunion is this year 2010. I want to get healthy and set a good example for my daughter who will be 13 this month.

Kelly Hockaday

I need to lose weight. Not for my husband or my kids, but for me. And my high blood pressure. I lost 30 pounds when my husband went to Iraq 5 years ago. And gained it all plus 15 more when he came home. I want to get back to a healthy size…I’m tired of not fitting in to my clothes and being best friends with elastic waistbands. The willpower and motivation are there, but I’m lost when it comes to direction. So I can absolutely use the help. I’d like to wear a bathing suit this summer and not have to jump in the pool because my legs just felt like the caught on fire!


Kelly Hopkins

2010 is my year! I am turning 30! I have accomplished so much in my 30 years including being a mom to an amazing son, and opening my own business. In 2006, I was diagnosed with Lupus after much trial and error. It was during that time that the weight crept up on me. Now that I am in control of my life and my health, I want to look as good as I feel. The Hot Mama Makeover would be the perfect 30th birthday present!


Kenisha Cameron

I feel like just because we’re mamas we still deserve to feel and look hot! I feel like I have put myself on the backburner for the sake of my children and I am ready to re-gain my Hotness back or at least be hotter than I ever thought I could be. Pre-baby body here I come…


Kim Hughes

I have worked really hard in the last year to become a better Mom. I have joined a running group lost 30 pounds and I am looking to do more. I am training for a 10 mile run and need all the help I could get. Plus a nice sexy photo for Hubby would not hurt either.


Kim Hodges

My son was born in May 2008 and he is the best thing that ever happened to me! I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and I want to be healthy for him and my husband so that we can have many long, happy years together. Since Will was born, I struggle to balance everything in my life. As a working mom I have gotten into a rut of grabbing fast food, or fixing quick unhealthy meals. Since the weather has gotten cold, I never take time to get outside an exercise. I need a jump start in a major way and I think this contest is it! I want to teach my son healthy habits so that he learns a love of exercise and eating right from the start.


Kristen Brooks

“I am a mother to 5 children ages 7 to 2.5. I am a stay at home mom. I have 2 children in school this year (Kindergarten and 1st grade) and I stay home with the other 3 children (4 yr old and 2 2.5 yr old twins).

I will to get fit for my kids so I can keep up with how active they are. I have already noticed them learning bad habits from me particularly sitting in front of the TV and eating while bored. I want them to learn to be healthy so they don’t grow into an overweight person/child. I can’t teach them to be healthy without learning to do it myself. I take care of my family primarily and want to finally make 2010 about taking care of myself too.”


Kristy Marshall

“I gave birth to my first born in February 2009. During my pregnancy, I was an aerobics instructor & stopped teaching about 2 months before my daughter was born. Motherhood has introduced me to a totally different life! I barely find the time to do a quick 30 minute workout on TV. My husband is a high school basketball coach so between his practices and games, it’s up to me to pick our little one up after work, go home, cook dinner and give her a bath and ready for bed! On top of all of that, I completed my thesis and received my master’s degree this past December.

It is now 2010 and my daughter will be one the end of February. I am determined to lose weight from baby #1 before my husband and I even start to think about baby #2! I am always making sure my daughter and husband are ok first and put myself on the back burner. This year, I need to have time for myself - to get back in shape and say that I am a Richmond Hot Mama in 2010!”


Linda Hebb

I am so excited to loose weight in 2010. I have 4 kids and could not loose the weight after the 4th kid and now that he is 3, I have more motivation and energy to get fit in 2010!

Linette Cadiena

I have been working for almost a year now to get fit and have lost 31 lbs so far. But I feel myself losing my motivation and really feel like I could use a kick to get myself started again. I still have a long way to go and for once in my life I want to actually do it this time. I have a wonderful supporting husband and 2 beautiful children and I want nothing more than to be around for them. Please vote for me and help me to at long last be the woman that I know that I can be.

Lori Dixon

I am a single 35 year old Mom. I have never had a real problem with my weight until a few years ago. While I am not extremely overweight I have become a bit lazy about exercising. I would like to feel like a hot mama again. I also would like to teach my daughter the importance of taking care of yourself and the importance of exercising daily will benefit you in so many ways health wise, mood wise and even help with your sense of security within yourself. I have been wanting to join a gym for years but simply just don’t have the money to do so at this time. I want to be around as long as possible for my daughter. And I want to feel like me again.

Melissa Winter

I am a hard-working mama who needs help! I work full-time and have an active almost 2 year old at home. I know I need to lose weight for myself - I don’t want to be that unhealthy, overweight mom who can’t play with her kids. I also want to be a good role model for my daughter, so she grows up with a better self-image than I had/have.


Nikole Sarvay

Nikole is the mother of our almost-two-year-old daughter. We made a decision that Nikole would stay home with Thea in April of 2008 after a very difficult pregnancy (and emergency delivery), and then remade that decision in November of 2008 after I (her husband) was laid off from my job and started my own business. Nikole has spent a huge amount of her energy—physical and emotional—over the past 14 months taking care of Thea and creating an awesome environment for her to grow and thrive, and carrying most of the load on the home front as I work to keep a new business moving forward in the worst economy in generations. Nikole always puts her own needs behind ours, and while she’s very much a “Hot Mama” without any assistance, she certainly could benefit from some Nikole-centered time and attention!


Rebecca Carter

I want to be a hot mama for my daughter. I want to be my daughter’s role model and show her that fitness and staying healthy are really important. She deserves a really fit mom!!!!


Rebekah Hartman

As I’m writing this, I’m having a million second thoughts but I know I should go on and do this for my kids, my husband and myself. I am the mother of two girls, 2-1/2 and 3-1/2 who were both adopted from foster care. My older daughter has cerebral palsy and is getting increasingly hard to carry/hold and move around and I am pretty much continually injuring one part or another of my body lifting her equipment and carrying her. More than that, though, I am not as healthy as I could or should be and my girls deserve a mommy who is taking the time to take care of herself so that she is more present to be there for them. I want my husband to be even more proud of me and I want to show myself that I can do it. My daughter works so hard every day to be able to do simple things we take for granted like sit up straight and learn to walk. I don’t want to take my health and abilities for granted any longer and I want to be a strong, fit, present mom!


Sarah Rawlings

As a homeschool mom of six ranging from 21 years down to 11 months I don’t have a lot of time in my daily schedule for myself. I have to pencil myself into my calendar. After the birth of our last child last year, my fitness level has really diminished and my self-motivation is lacking. I think this would be a real boost to both my confidence and self-image as well as a jumpstart back into a regular fitness program. I have a dresser full of clothes right now that I would love to fit back into. And as much as I know my family loves me just as I am, I would really like to do this for them. Last, but not least, my husband has signed me up for the Monument 10K and “Yikes!” I really need to get ready!


Sarah Hinderliter

“Right before my husband and I conceived our daughter six years ago, I ran a sprint triathlon to celebrate my 40th birthday. I was able to train every day and got down to my lowest weight in ten years. I felt and looked great! Ever since then, my family, home and job have come first, leaving little or no time for me to even think about myself much less take good care of myself. I am now at my heaviest non-pregnant weight and feel miserable physically and mentally. As an older mother of an only child, I only have once chance to take an active part in her childhood and set a healthy example for her. I want to model for her healthy self acceptance as well as courage to take on challenges and to make changes when necessary. I also want to be healthy enough in my golden years to be able to truly enjoy HER children. Thank you in advance for your consideration; I will make, my family and myself proud!”


Sarah Maxey

I am a 29 Year old mother of four! I am twice my healthy size and I have a 7 yr. old son following in my footsteps. I know fast food is bad so we did cut that along with sodas out yet we still have not lost any weight! I have never really known how to loose weight the right way and would love to know how for mine and my sons sake.


Selina Brush

I am a mother of four beautiful children. Working full time and about to go back to school, plus taking care of all my children’s needs leaves little time to take care of myself. I desperately want to become healthier and take better care of my body, but just don’t know how to start. I would love this opportunity to change my lifestyle and be a better example for my kids.


Shari Hayden

“I would love to win this deal! I am a little over weight and would love a new start for the new year. I enjoy a good workout, but I am not a member any where at this time. I am a stay at home mom and my day seems to be taken up by errands, house chores, or volunteering at school. I feel my confident level could use a boost and make myself feel more complete.
I know there are a lot of other mothers out there with the same problems, but I feel I would make the best candidate for this. I am a hard worker and would follow all the steps to the fullest for a great Makeover. You would be impressed with the outcome if you chose me.

Sharon Thomas

I am a mother of two beautiful girls. The oldest is 4 and the youngest is 8 months. I am over 300lbs and want to get these pounds off me, but I have no idea of how to start. I am willing to change my habbits and start anew. My fifth anniversary was 12/30/2009 and I was so insecure in my skin and I don’t want to go through that again.


Stephenia Muterspaugh

I need to win this workout contest for several reasons. I need to lose about 15 lbs. that I have gained over the last 5 years, I need to form a new habit of regular exercise , and I want to reduce my stress level which is a benefit of regular exercise. Winning this would get me back on a healthy track.


Susan Jennings

In 2000, I had twin boys, who unfortunately taxed my body a little past the point of it being able to return to “normal” on its own. I now struggle with the inability to manufacture and maintain my own red blood cells. What this means is blood transfusions and iron treatments yearly for a period of 3-4 months at a time. In 1996 I had weighed 255lb. I lost down to 164lb by August 1998. During the twin pregnancy I was put on a diet of high calorie, easy to absorb shakes. My metabolism is shot. I have just finished another round of treatments (December 2009) and am ready to go from NOTTA BABE to WHATTA BABE by Summer 2010. March 2010 is my 40th birthday~! I’ve told my husband, I’ll be overweight or older, but NOT both at the same time. Since I can’t stop time, I had to make changes elsewhere. Our whole family has changed our eating habits and I’ve began a running regime but would love the personal attention of a trainer…. Every MOM deserves that kind of personal attention!


Susie Glascock

The reason I feel my beautiful wife is most deserving of this makeover is because she is a wonderful and extremely dedicated wife and mother. We have four children ages 25,13, and five year old twins. She is always so concerned about us and our well being that she neglects herself.She has become very discouraged about her body and her appearance. I feel like this makeover would give her back the confidence and self worth she used to have.


Tabitha Meadows

My name is Tabitha. I am 36 years old and I had my son 14 years ago.I still look pregnant.It is so much fun to be consulting with a client and have them ask me “How far along are you?”:( I work two jobs and barely have time for myself. I NEED HELP(Please)! I have tried many types of diets over the years and I just can not get with it. I have not felt sexy in my skin for over 15 years and I am not getting any younger. I would like to walk in a room and turn heads(towards me)not away. Having a makeover would help boost my confidence, which is vital to my profession and my love life. I spend all my time taking care of other peoples needs whether I am at home, decorating clients homes, or taking care of other peoples children at the schools where I teach. I feel so tired and worn out. I am sure much of it has to do with being overweight. It is high time I did something for myself and gather up some “ME” time, so I am nominating myself! I wanna be Richmond’s Hot Mama for sure! Thank you! smile


Tiffany Davis

I think that I deserve to be nominated because I am a very good mom that tries to keep up with my eight year old daughter. I am always on the go and try to find a remedy to this ongoing weight gain. If I am picked I will do my best to lose all this weight I have put on. I want to represent all the HOT MOM’S of RICHMOND, VA smile


Tiffany Ward

I am a 24 year old stay at home mom. My daughter, Matty, is 2. All of the responsibilities of taking care of a toddler fall onto me, 24/7, as well as the household duties. I am also a full-time student, attending online classes. I find myself trying to make time to workout, but by the time I actually do have a moment to myself, all I want to do is lay down and rest! Help!


Tracy Gravely

My name is D’Wayne and I would like to nominate my wife, Tracy Gravely. Albeit may seem very prejudiced on my part, Tracy is a very giving person, sacrificing mother of two college attending children and great wife. She does so much for our family as well as our extended family that I and possibly others would pale in comparison. She not only works full-time, she manages the affairs of an older sibling, she gives time to the Huguenot High School PTSA well after our last child attended, she is consistently sought out for advice and assistance by friends, other family members and all the while taking the lead in managing our household. She has attempted to follow a health-related regime due to weight associated medical issues, however, many times she is torn between maintaining her commitment to exercise versus making the needs of others her #1 priority. It’s just part of her character to want to do for others and not as much for herself. Please vote for my wife! D’Wayne


Voting begins soon: Keep watching for our Hot Mama ‘10 Contest Entrants


Many Richmond moms entered. One lucky Richmond mom will win over $1,000 in prizes including:

-Three-month membership to American Family Fitness
-Personal Training Sessions at American Family Fitness
-A photographic package from Real Life Studios including “before” and “after” photos.
-Our adoration for doing the work it takes to be a fit mom!

Stay tuned for information on all of our entrants and to VOTE!

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