The Joint Corporate Committee on Cuban Claims is a voluntary,
non-profit organization whose membership is comprised of corporations
and individuals with property claims against the government
of Cuba, which have been certified by the U.S. Foreign Claims
Settlement Commission.
The purpose of the Committee is to:
- support the long-standing U.S. policy requiring the Cuban
government to return or arrange compensation for U.S. properties
seized before full trade and diplomatic relations are restored;
- and encourage the U.S. government to demand an adequate
settlement of U.S. claims.
Since its formation in 1975, the Joint Corporate Committee
on Cuban Claims has strongly supported the rights of U.S.
certified claimants whose property was taken from them by
the government of Cuba.
Consistent with these efforts, the Committee continues to
support and defend the right of certified claimants to seek
return of their properties or, if that is not feasible or
practical, to receive fair and adequate monetary settlement
of their claims against the Cuban government.
Remarks by Chairman Wallace