by Kate Willoughby Hall, CEO of and constant weight-battler
It’s a constant in conversations with my girlfriends: the dreaded battle of the bulge.
I’ve spoken about being a chubby kid openly on this site, after all where better to share my most terrible memories than a welcoming audience of loving women who understand. Joining our Mother Runner team has certainly helped manage my weight and encourage to get me on the right path. Surrounding myself with outstanding women in fitness like Rachel Pustilnik of Mom’s Treehouse, Whitney Martin of Styles Group Fitness and being a member of American Family Fitness helps. . .but let’s face it, we need all the help we can get.
So when a friend, faithful site reader and confidante came to me recently and agreed to share her story with all of you, too I was thrilled, because I’ll bet there’s a pile of other women feeling the same way. Angela Wright, Richmond mom-of-three called me to say, “Kate, this is it. When I got ready to take my kids to our annual brunch at the Jefferson I could not find one pair of my pants in my closet that fit. It was ridiculous. . .I had to go out and buy a size that I never thought I’d buy. That’s when I knew it was time for a change.”
Angela embarked upon SEAL Team Physical Training team 90-day challenge, where for three months she will work out with her training team, without fail. “I know it’s going to be tough, but I’ve got fifty pounds to lose and it’s time. I weigh more now than I did after I had my kids, and I can’t really explain why other than that my metabolism has slowed down to a terrible pace. I’ve watched what I eat and tried to excercise but it’s just not enough. This is it.”
And she’s not the only one working on getting fit. Our Richmond Grandparents editor Rhonda Day is doing it, too. In her fifties, she’s embarking on a run/walk program through our Mother Runner team through a customized program to fit her schedule, since she can’t make the weekly Saturday runs.
You may have also followed Richmond mom Toni Winston who was chosen from a post on our site to be part of Dr. Oz’s Real Richmond Housewives challenge where she lost an incredible amount of weight and gained back her self-esteem. As a result, Toni has started her own fitness program, The You Gals.
I applaud these women for joining the battle, as my weight fluctuates up to twenty pounds each year and creeping towards forty the challenges of maintaining a healthy weight, managing a household, work and eating right are almost too much to bear some days. And hey, I’m not looking for a bikini body, but wearing a swimsuit without a skirt to cover my big thighs would really be a treat. For example, below are photos of me wearing the exact same dress about one year apart; in the first it fits perfectly, in the second, I am holding my breath as so not to split the very seams. Can we have somewhere in-between here and hold it for a while, please?!
We’ll be following Angela on her journey, and would love to hear your stories, too. If you’re willing to share, please email us: [email protected]. We’ll be rewarding a few lucky moms who share their stories with a massage to celebrate their efforts along the road to being. . .hot mamas once again!