25 Years of Marriage and Now it’s Over


Maria Shriver deserves better!

Let me get this right.

While Maria Shriver, one of the country’s most influential, sophisticated, intelligent, wealthy, and privileged American women, was carrying Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby, her housekeeper was carrying his child too!

Maria’s second son with Arnold was born on September 27, 1997 and Mildred Baena, the housekeeper,  also gave birth to Arnold’s son just 5 days later on October 2, 1997.

Wasn’t Sandra Bullock’s betrayal shocking enough – and now this revelation!

It seems to me that being a “Kennedy” does carry it’s share of curses.

Imagine spending almost 20 years with someone who helps you take care of your house, your children, and your life — and apparently your husband — while you pay her well and trust her with some of the most personal parts of your home life. And then to find that this same person betrayed you by having an affair and a child with your husband.

Arnold’s betrayal is unthinkable to most, and as a long-time womanizer, it is not surpising that he had affairs. But with the housekeeper and right under Maria’s own roof? What was he thinking? Maria is a stunningly beautiful and well-loved woman across America. She is deserving of so much more than anything Arnold could ever have to offer.

Apparently Arnold gave Maria little notice that he was going public with the announcement of his illicit affair and child. His admission apparently only came after threats from the housekeeper that she was going public with the news because she had been fired and dismissed from the home.

The Schwarzenegger/Shriver story is now so highly publicized that we can almost feel the hurt, anger, pain, embarrassment, humiliation, and disgust that falls upon Maria. Living in California obviously comes with a very different lifestyle than the rest of the country, but that does not give anyone the right to devastate another human being in such a humiliating and hurtful way. Marriage is a bond between two people that deserves respect and dignity — and if that cannot be maintained, there are legal ways to dissolve the relationship.

To Maria, I say, hold your head high and move beyond this event. Everyone has known for years that Arnold was a womanizer — even you knew that to be true at some level. Your persistence and perseverance in an attempt to make your marriage work for the good of your family is to be commended. But now, it is time to create a new life that leaves Arnold where he belongs — alone for now.

Most everyone in the nation is behind Maria, and we know that she will rise above this and continue to be an example for women everywhere as she rebuilds her life.

Thoughts? Leave your comments below regarding this issue and let us know what Richmondmoms think about it.



Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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