Richmond kids find inner artist at Summer Artventure

The popular Summer Artventure at Visual Arts Center of Richmond again provides hands-on experiences for Richmond kids June 6-August 26,2011.

Full PDF of the Artventure 2011 Schedule is at this link.

We did a week-long camp with one of our kiddos last year and he tapped into his inner artist and loved it!

The one-week classes for ages 6-16 give them a unique opportunity to work directly with professional artists at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond who will teach new skills and encourage individual expression.

Morning and afternoon classes available; students are welcome to sign up for a morning and afternoon class and enjoy a packed lunch during the 45-minute supervised break between sessions.

Tuition for each week-long Artventure class is $115 for members and $125 for non-members. Tuition includes materials fees unless otherwise noted, and some classes may require items brought from home. VisArts provides a snack for students on the first day of class, and parents are asked to provide snack for the remainder of the week.

One Happy Richmond kid at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond

  • Artventure Side-by-Side Classes are first art classes for youngsters ages 3-5; each week-long morning class is designed for artists teams to explore various materials, tools andpossibilities of drawing, painting and sculpture. Children must be accompanied by aparent/adult in this class. Tuition for each week of Artventure Side-by-Side is $90 non-members and $85 for members. Side by Side classes run 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

The summer Artventures camp schedule is available by clicking here and members and non-members can register now.  Scholarship assistance is also available.

For summer 2011 they have new classes in every studio (except glass.) Here are just a few of them:

  • Fumetti Photo-comics: Love comics but can’t draw? Fumetti, taken from the Italian wordfor comics, is a style of comics made with photos instead of drawings. Use a digital camerato shoot your images then build your comic pages in Photoshop. Learn how to letter usingdigital fonts and make sound effects that jump off the page. With Fumetti anyone can makecomics!
  • Graphic Design: 3-D Worlds: Explore Google SketchUp! We will learn the fundamentalsof all CAD programs (architecture, animation, design) by designing buildings and creating3-D worlds and architectural landscapes with geometric forms. Learn program featuressuch as lighting and photo texturing objects. Everyone will learn how to publish their 3-Dportfolios online.
  • Lifelike Drawing: Traditional and Experimental: Artists will sharpen skills throughexploration of a method that makes it possible to draw anything they can see –including things they see in their imagination. Working with artist Tommy Van Auken,participants will explore traditional techniques in charcoal and india ink, as well creativeexperimentation in other mediums.
  • One-of-a-Kind Skirts: Using your measurements to create a pattern, we will makesimple A-line skirts that fit just right! After sewing the skirt, you will discover the worldof embellishing to make your skirt unique and whimsical. Stenciling, fabric spray paint,appliqué, drawing with thread, writing and drawing with fabric markers, ruffles –we will transform your simple skirt into an amazing masterpiece!
  • Crafty Jewelry: Become an accessories designer! Create beads and pendants out of ShrinkyDinks, plastic, felt, magazine strips, clay and other materials then turn it into jewelry. Youwill leave the class with many beautiful necklaces, bracelets, headbands and pins to give toyour friends or keep for yourself!
  • B+W Photography: Alternative Process: Expand the possibilities of the B+W Darkroom!Students will explore processes that will transform their images into truly unique ones.We will experiment with alternative techniques to include hand coloring, color and sepiatoning and Polaroid transfers. A picture-taking field trip will give an opportunity to createnew images and many of the techniques can be used on images you have already printed.
  • Printmaking Palooza: Jell-O and Linoleum: Printmaking is an exciting way to createimages and textures that is very different than drawing or painting directly on paper. Printon a slab of Jell-O, carve out an image in linoleum, and create unique designs with string!These are just some of the possibilities of printmaking. We will print our creations usingwater-based inks. Come experiment and have fun!
  • Mosaics and Hanging Mobiles: We will transform recycled magazines and newspapersinto fascinating hanging structures that change shape as they twirl about! Using mixedmaterials, we will also learn to arrange hundreds of little pieces together to create dazzlingpatterned mosaics.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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