Central VA Food Bank is in Serious Need of Donations: Mark Smith is Willing to Reward You for Giving

Did you know that peanut butter and tuna are two of the most popular items in the Central VA Foodbank? They distribute 600 jars of peanut butter per day!

September and October are slow months for donations at the Food Bank, but unfortunately hunger doesn’t have a slow month. So we’re looking for people who are willing to help out right now. A recent survey of the food bank’s shelves showed no jars of peanut butter and that’s a huge problem.

Give and get back

Mark Smith, owner of Midas Central Virginia, is offering a fantastic opportunity for us to give and get something in return – in addition to the unmatchable satisfaction of knowing we are helping hungry children and adults.

  1. Simply go online to Feedmore and donate online.
  2. In the comment section type in that you are participating in the “FeedMore October is a Groovy month for Peanut Butter Fest” – or FOGPBF (catchy huh!?).
  3. Mark Smith of Midas Central Virginia is giving away a free oil change if you donate $25! If you donate $40 or more, you get a certificate for a free oil change and a certificate for a free state inspection.

Wow – what a deal! You can even get gift certificates for family, friends, coworkers, strangers and others by donating to the Central VA Foodbank so contact Mark at 804.240.1066 for details.

Mark is even offering to stop by and pick up your peanut butter if you’d prefer to donate jars to the Food Bank.  Get your neighbors, family and friends to donate a jar or two and call him at 804.240.1066 to pick up because he means business.

Mark explains, “Each of you are a solution to fighting hunger in Central VA – as is your network – to that end, I am asking that you each put the Power of 10 (P10!) to work by sharing this with the ten people in your network who you think are most likely to do something about it, and asking that they do the same – and thanks, in advance for becoming an advocate for our fight against hunger!”

Let’s show everyone how Richmond moms, grandmoms, dads, singles, and others can make a difference by donating today.  And remember that every dollar you donate gives FeedMore $5 in buying power so a $10 donation generates $50 in buying power and that’s a lot of peanut butter for hungry families. That makes it easy to make a huge difference.

Get your friends together and create a giving opportunity or post this article through your social media outlets and let’s restock the food bank pantry for October.

Thanks to Mark Smith and the tremendous work he always does for the Central VA Food Bank. Visit the Midas Facebook page to learn more about Mark and what he’s doing for the community.

For just $10.00, you can feed a chronically hungry child in Central Virginia for an entire weekend — check it out WWW.FEEDMORE.ORG.



Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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