It’s so sweet – “It Comes in Pink”!
Little girls dresses and shoes, and pretty pink bows and ribbons are so sweet. It’s so fun to buy pretty pink clothes and accessories for little girls.
But what if you were buying a pink cane to help your daughter or granddaughter walk?
The 3rd Annual It Comes in Pink event is held at the Children’s Museum of Richmond September 30, 2011 from 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 P.M. It benefits the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation and honors a Richmond girl who has Niemann Pick disease. This is a rare terminal disease and this little girl started walking with a cane at 4 years old. Her “nana” was so sad to see her walk with a cane, but her attitude changed when that sweet young girl said that it was okay because the cane “comes in pink!”
What a positive and wonderful attitude — and now we can help raise funds for research and support for this little girl and others like her.
Tickets on Sale
Tickets are just $45 and they include:
- Live beach music presented by King Edward & the BD’s
- Heavy hors d’oeuvres
- Adult beverages
The event is held at the Children’s Museum of Richmond Central location. Come dressed in beach attire to celebrate and enjoy the beach theme. Hawaiian shirts, sundresses, shorts, and flip flops are all that are needed. No fancy dressing up – just beach attire and a big smile.
Guests 18+ are welcome to attend and tickets can be purchased online at It Comes in Pink website.
Let’s make a difference for this little girl who loves her cane, because “It Comes in Pink”.