November 2011 Rockstar: Lesley Walter

The following article recognized Lesley Walter as our November 2011 Rockstar. We are sad to update this post with the news that Lesley passed away in March, 2012 after a long and brave battle with cancer. You can read her eulogy from her husband here.

Congratulations to Lesley Walter –’s November Rockstar!

If anyone deserves Rockstar status, it’s Lesley.  In February  2010, she was diagnosed with advanced adenocarcinoma lung cancer.  She’s never been a smoker, never worked with asbestos, and never been a coal miner!

You can imagine her complete shock. Throughout the next weeks, it was determined that the cancer had spread to her ovaries, brain, and even to some bones.  A complete hysterectomy, some work in the lung area, and a Gamma Knife procedure on her brain were eventually completed.  She met strict qualifications for a clinical trial of an oral drug and it worked great for a while.

She is currently on three different chemo drugs once every three weeks without any scheduled ending date. In spite of all of this, she continues to have a positive attitude about everything.

“I have not lost my hair, and I feel pretty good most of the time, for which I am truly thankful.  My ability to remain looking and living ‘normally’ keeps the family much more stable than it otherwise would be.  For example, after the initial drug stopped working, I became pretty sick before the chemo kicked in, and there were nights I couldn’t even climb stairs to tuck the kids in bed because I just didn’t have the lung capacity.  Now, I look and act like a healthy mom most of the time, which I know is a huge benefit for my family,” explains Lesley.

Through all of this, you would expect her to sit back and let everyone else take care of her. But not Lesley! She continues to work and takes care of her daughter (9 years) and son (almost 5 years). She credits her wonderful husband for “being the glue that holds it all together at times”, but we know that Lesley is the glue too!

Lesley writes about the beauty of nature and the incredible world around her on her CaringBridge site and she is always giving credit to other people for how hard this has been on them. She points out the beauty of a chipmunk or Canadian Geese, and even a Bald Eagle in her backyard!

She also gives thanks to God for taking care of her and her family during this ordeal. In a recent post she wrote to her many friends on her CaringBridge website, “There are a lot of things to be thankful for every day, but with Thanksgiving Day approaching, it is an especially good time to say THANK YOU to you for your prayers and encouragement, and THANKS to God for putting me in your path….for you ARE a blessing to be counted in my life!”

Lesley and her husband remain closer than ever and make it a point to spend a ‘date night’ together routinely while a sitter watches the children. It’s important to both of them to share this time together. Lesley takes it all in stride and seldom asks for help, but prefers to find ways to help others rather than focusing on her own situation.

If you want to learn more about Lesley and her story, visit her CaringBridge website. You’ll be inspired, amazed, and in awe of how she handles such an overwhelming situation. That’s why Lesley is our Rockstar!

 We’re pulling for you Lesley – keep on rockin’!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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