Mother Runners Do It: Run the Monument 10k With Us

Have you ever thought about running but just didn’t think you could do it? Have you been a runner in the past but have given it up with all of your responsibilities at work and/or at home? Do you want to start a new fitness routine for 2012? Would running help you relieve stress? Are you afraid to try running?

Whatever the reason, you should consider joining the Mother Runner program at Mom’s Treehouse.


Moms have special needs when it comes to running.  Whether you had your children 6 months or 16 years ago, moms’ bodies have experienced major physiological changes that should be considered in all aspects of a training program such as running schedules, education, and evaluation during runs. Also, all coaches at group runs are certified fitness professionals (not volunteers) with extra training in pre and post-natal fitness and have extensive running experience.  You will receive personalized attention during every run with lots of great information and all the answers to your questions.  They keep the runner-to-coach ratio very small, anywhere from 5:1 to 10:1.

Join our runners!

Finally, let’s face it, moms crave the social interaction with other moms!  So they have incredibly fun group runs, monthly socials, a chat board, and a running program designed just for YOU!

And if you’re an “older mom” or even a grandmother, this program is the perfect solution to get you moving and grooving  again!

Mother Runner programs train moms and grandmoms who have NEVER run before and also those moms or grandmoms who have some experience.  No matter what your fitness level, THIS IS THE PROGRAM FOR YOU!

Sign up for the Monument 10k training program and let Mom’s Treehouse help you prepare. Training begins January 21, 2012 so there’s still plenty of time to register. Best of all, it doesn’t matter what fitness level you’re at. All levels are welcome and can succeed! They offer either online or paper registration.

Mother Runners enjoy running and participating in other fitness activities so much, most of them do it every day! You’ll find this program inspirational, instructional, motivational, and FUN!.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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