Happy Valentine’s Day to My Loves

I love Valentine’s Day.

It’s a special day to remind those close to you how much they mean to you, and tell them how much you love them. How could I let a Valentine’s Day go by without telling my precious grandchildren how much I love them!

My oldest granddaughter is the apple of my eye for sure. Her sweet, quiet demeanor is so special, and spending time with her is like walking through a field of fresh daisies every time. Her innocence and ability to look at the world through such a vividly colored lens is always a breath of fresh air. She sees the beauty in the smallest things. She can turn an ugly rock into a work of art, and make a dreary, cloudy day a time filled with light and warmth. In her 9 years, she has brought more joy and love into my life than I ever dreamed possible. She holds a special place in my heart and my love for her grows every day. I love her dearly.

And then my grandson is such a treat! Spending time with him takes lots of energy and stamina with his inquisitive mind and rambunctious nature. We don’t stay on one project too long because there’s always something more exciting around the corner. He’s ready to explore every rock, leaf, and blade of grass he sees. Give him a block of wood, some paint, and a ball of twine and he can create a magnificent piece of art. Hand him the hose to the air compressor, and he creatively uses it to blow the dust from his bike or clear the driveway of leaves – ever so slowly. But don’t be fooled by his rambunctious, inquisitive nature – he’s also a soft-hearted, loving little boy! When he runs to hug me and puts his arms around me, I don’t want to let go. I love him so much!

And there’s the youngest granddaughter – just 2 and a half years old but wise beyond her years. Playing dress-up is one of her favorite things to do and she takes it seriously – with her mother’s high heels, sun hat, and all. She’s always busy teaching her dolls to talk, setting up a tea party to serve me tea and cookies, and pulling out dozens of books to find just the right one for us to read — and we read it at least 4 times before we stop. When she wraps her tiny arms around my neck, kisses me on the cheek, and says “I love you Gigi”, she melts my heart.  Walking down the street with her tiny hand tightly gripping my finger is one of my favorite things to do. I know that time is passing quickly and before I know it, she will be in school with her older brother and sister – so I cherish the time we have with her as a toddler. And I love her with all of my heart.

I remember hearing my grandmother say that each grandchild who was born made her heart grow bigger. I didn’t know what she meant then – but I do know now. I always wondered why grandchildren were so special – but that was before I had them. Now I understand. Grandchildren make the sun shine brighter, the flowers bloom fuller, and the birds sing louder. There are no words to express the love that grandchildren bring into the world when they are born.

I love being a mother and I dearly love my daughters — and now I am blessed as a grandmother to have grandchildren who make my life fuller every day.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to tell them how much I love them and cherish every second I spend with them — but so are the other 364 days of the year!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my “loves”!



Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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