WeSprout Eases the Challenges of Parenting

How do I get my child to sleep through the night? Where can I find a reliable and reputable babysitter? When was my child’s last immunization? How do I potty train my daughter? What’s up with this fever? Where can I find resources for my son on the Autism Spectrum? Is my child gaining weight and growing at the expected rate for his age?

Parents face a myriad of questions about their children every day – and finding answers can be challenging and frustrating. Managing and tracking your children’s health records can be challenging too.

Whether you’re seeking local babysitter recommendations, managing a fever, breast-feeding a newborn, trying to navigate a complex health system to deal with the challenges of Down Syndrome, or trying to find the best resources for a child on the Autism Spectrum, it’s not always easy to find the resources you need — and track the progress.

Now there is a program that just might be the answer to making it easier and simpler to help you find answers to your questions, and help you track and monitor your child’s progress and development for years.

WeSprout is a whole new online community where parents can share their knowledge and make better choices for their children while simultaneously tracking their own child’s health in an easy to use (and completely private) health record. The system leverages the information in the health record to surface content in the community that is relevant to you as a parent.

WeSprout has over 500 parents using the new website already — and that number is growing every day. It’s easy to see why.

Dr. Carol Peebles, co-founder of WeSprout explains, “While I do my best, I don’t always have all the answers, especially for non-medical questions – because even for the smartest and savviest of parents, finding the answers can be hard. WeSprout gives parents tools to make the right choices for their children, with the help of peers and experts.”

With built-in tracking features, it helps parents keep track of their child’s health records including immunizations, medical issues, developmental milestones, and more. It even tracks progress of weight and height over time and allows parents to evaluate progress against that of peers in the same age groups where benchmarks can be useful.

But it’s not just a healthcare tracking and management tool. It’s the convergence of a child’s health record and an interactive community that creates an amazing tool. It’s a smarter way to stay on top of a child’s health and make better choices for the child. Sharing experiences, knowledge, and resources offers parents a broader network of support and information for parenting resources.

Now you’re thinking you’d better get out the credit card or tap into your child’s college savings – but you don’t have to. WeSprout is offered free! That’s right – FREE (and this is not an infomercial!).

We’re excited to hear about this new tool for parents and we’re anxious to hear what our readers think about it. Visit the WeSprout website, check it out thoroughly, and decide if it’s a good tool and resource for you and your child. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below. And if you decide to sign up, keep us posted on how you like WeSprout and what it offers you as a parent or caregiver.

In this complex world of parenting, healthcare, and navigating change every day, this tool might just be the answer you’re looking for to bring sanity to an insane world. Let us know.

Note: Richmondmom.com does not endorse this product but provides this information for your consideration only. We look forward to hearing more about it from our readers.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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