March 2012 Rock Star 1: Kiley Roland

February had an extra day this year but we still got behind – so we’ll be recognizing two Richmond moms during March as our Rock Stars!

This week we’re celebrating Kiley Roland as our March Rock Star 1. The letter nominating Kiley is included below. Thanks to her caring friend for nominating her for being such a rocking Richmond mom to her kids, family, and friends – and congratulations to Kiley! She will receive a gift card for a FREE massage at Massage Envy.

Kiley is the mom that every mom wishes to be. She constantly has a smile on her face and always has a tendency to grab one of her four kids as they run by for a quick hug, kiss, or tickle. Last summer she planned and hosted a 4-day Cousin Camp for her kids and all their cousins (about 13 kids total!) at her home. She came up with the idea as a way to make sure that her kids know their extended family and build lasting bonds with them for years to come. They did activities, skits, even took all the kids to a baseball game!

Just last week Kiley decided to take her kids out of school just so they could come home and play in the snow. We haven’t had much snow this year, and she couldn’t bear the thought that they might miss their chance to be snow bunnies! Kiley knows the joys of childhood and helps her kids experience them as much as possible, with everything from baking cookies to catching frogs, Kiley is always with her kids and it’s clear that she loves every minute of it.

Massage Envy rewards our Rock Stars with free massage! That rocks!

Kiley is also incredibly generous and gives her time and resources to her community, her church, and her family and friends. She helps out in her kids’ classes at school and serves with the children and youth of her church. I have been in her home and it is a place of love and joy. She is constantly looking for ways to give to those around her.

Simply put, Kiley finds joy in every day through service and love. She instills those same values and happiness in her children’s lives, and they are growing up to be just as wonderful and delightful as their mom. She also cultivates a warm and loving relationship with her husband (the only photos of her on Facebook are of her with him!!), giving her kids a great relationship that serves not only as a stellar example of what marriage should be, but as a blanket of safety around their family unit. 

Kiley is amazing, and deserves any accolades she can get!


Kasey Tross

We think Kiley rocks too!
Do you know someone who deserves to be a Rock Star? Then click here and learn more and send us your nominee’s name, a brief reason why they rock, and a photo.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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