Bigger than Brackets: A Lesson in Loyalty

At risk of outing ourselves, we’ve never been much of a team-sports minded family. Early on, our twins could readily identify Condoleeza Rice and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Tom Brady and Michael Jordan? Not so much.


With that in mind, you can imagine my shock, when after the keynote address at the Martin Agency’s 2010 “Take Your Kids to Work Day,” VCU Coach Shaka Smart and then team-standout, Joey Rodriguez, became frequent mentions in our day-to-day conversation. Their names came up at the dinner table, on the playground, even during Children’s Moment at church.

Then something magical happened. The very next year, Coach Shaka Smart and the VCU Rams made their heroic march to the NCAA Final Four. Suddenly, and surprisingly, the whole Lage family was glued to each game. We cheered aloud. We curled into the fetal position when scores got too close. We celebrated at the Carytown Sweet Frog with each victory, smiling broadly at—and with—our fellow city-proud neighbors.

Coach Smart’s youthful enthusiasm, teamwork focus, respectful demeanor and superlative sportsmanship made him a perfect example to discuss with our children those valuable (and in my opinion, too-infrequently exhibited) traits, especially in the world of televised sports.

Naturally, Richmonders weren’t the only ones assessing Shaka’s impressive skill-set. Rumors began circulating of pending offers. Two sets of prognosticators emerged. As I dubbed them, the “Half-Empties” who were confident the money dangled would be a sufficient and irresistible lure; and the other camp, the one in which we set up our tent, the “Half-Fulls,” those who felt Coach Smart’s palpable dedication and affectionate attachment to the Ram Nation would keep him and his family here in the Commonwealth. When NC State made their offer following last season’s Cinderella-esque success, Coach Smart, to our great delight, declined.


This season, with few returning players, the Rams yet again “surprised” those outside our city’s confines. The rumors resurged early, with Illinois (apparently, a very prominent team, and not solely the locale of the most recent Republican primary) leading the Shaka acquisition charge. The “Half-Empties” seemed to grow in number…especially in light of the alleged growing “number” Coach Smart would likely be offered. This week, the offer came…and went.

Coach Smart, thank you. Thank you not only for staying here in Richmond where we adore you and that for which you stand, but for providing an accessible illustration of priorities other than those solely financial. Havoc indeed! Our children have now learned via your example when you work hard, you can achieve something great— on your own terms, where you want to be, and be respected by your community and beyond.

Thank you for your faith in us, Coach Smart. Richmond will not let you down.



The exultant mom of now tween twins, Darren and Sarah, Cheryl Lage is a part-time post-producer at the Martin Agency, a freelance writer, author of the bestselling book, Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year (Taylor Trade, c. 2006), and loving wife to her dreamy husband, Scott. Feel free to read their family exploits at .

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