Happy Easter! It’s Gonna Cost You!

Photo credit: blog.sfgate.com

So the Easter Bunny (in other words, me) suddenly realized that my tween won’t officially turn into a teen until after Easter. This raises an Easter basket dilemma.

 You see, although he no longer believes in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny, his nine-year

photo credit: Kimberliah.com

old sister does. And so, we have still go through the charade with him, until she finally figures it all out as well.

A while ago she had asked me, in front of him, at what age Santa stops bringing gifts. He immediately, quite cleverly announced that you are considered a kid until you officially become a teen, that is, thirteen years old. Then he grinned at me as if challenging me to correct him. The little brat had me there. He obviously didn’t mind getting extra presents in exchange for not telling his sister there was no Santa!

Filling his stocking last time was quite a challenge too, since the kid does not like candy. (Although, it has crossed my mind that this too may be a clever ploy to get extra gifts.) After a couple of hours of wandering through the store trying to find something age-appropriate that would fit in the stocking, I finally caved in and bought an  iTunes card. Yes, that’s right. Fifteen dollars to fill his stocking! It actually crossed my mind to see if they had any leftover briquettes in the store, that I could pass off an lumps of coal!

Since his birthday is after Easter, I realized that I had to go through this expensive charade one last time. At our covert pre-holiday

Photo credit: kittywumpus.net

meeting, where I tried to convince him how much he loved Skittles, he gleefully suggested that there was one remaining set of Bakugan toys that he had never collected and that given that he still wasn’t a teen yet, it wasn’t too late. Once again, he knows he’s got me.

At the store, I quickly filled my shopping cart with nice, cheap girlie things: stickers, bracelets, stamping sets, lip gloss. Then I trudged to the back of the store and spent 20 minutes scouring the toy section until I had located the right set of Bakugan’s – twenty four dollars worth, I might add!

I swear, on his birthday he’s going to get two cards: one birthday will be a birthday card from the family. The other is going to be a large, musical good-bye card from the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa, thanking him for being such a loyal customer!


A professional “trailing spouse” and mother of two, Suzanne has lived in several different countries. Her fifth corporate relocation (yes count ‘em, five!) brought her family to Richmond VA in the summer of 2011, and she is really excited about exploring all of the possibilities that Richmond has to offer! Also, she in not moving again. Really. She means it!

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