Easy School Lunches to Make Mornings Easier


You may already know that Green Monkey School Lunches delivers fresh, nutritious lunches to many Richmond area schools. And now, if they’re not delivering to your school, you can still get their fresh, natural lunches for your kids delivered right to you. They’ve even expanded their delivery options to the Charlottesville area where Green Monkey school lunches have already been a huge hit with kids.

Green Monkey is excited to partner with RELAY Foods to bring healthy lunch options to kids everywhere. You can order several of these lunches to keep on hand in the refrigerator – the next morning just pull them out of the fridge and you’re ready to go.

Adults will love these lunch options too.

(Article below is excerpted from RELAY Foods newsletter).

Revolutionize your mornings
with healthy, fun school lunches 


Packing lunches that are delicious and healthy shouldn’t be a battleground, but there’s no denying that many an unpleasant morning spring from the fight over what goes in the lunchbox.Enter our friends at Green Monkey Catering. With fresh-packed, colorful bento boxes full of healthy ingredients, the Green Monkey team has forever saved a generation of Virginia parents from the horrors of Lunchables.As one Green Monkey regular puts it“School lunches from Green Monkey make our lives much easier! Thanks for preparing healthy food for my son and allowing us a more relaxed morning without the hassle of packing lunches!”
Three nutritious Green Monkey lunches to sustain a healthy school day:
Basil Egg Salad: Basil egg salad with crackers, orzo pasta salad, seasonal fruit
PB&J: PB&J with crackers, celery + carrot sticks, seasonal fruit
Tuna Salad: Tuna salad, hummus with pretzels, seasonal fruit

 Green Monkey School Lunches is an advertiser on Richmondmom.com


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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