Real Richmond Review: Gundlach to the Rescue

It was a nice hot Sunday afternoon and we had friends coming over for dinner. The steak was marinating and the eggplant was soaking in brine. We were busy chopping vegetables, setting the table and working up a sweat!

Wait? What? How hot is it in here?

We checked the thermostat. 76 degrees!

Then we did what most not-very-handy homeowners would do. We switched the AC off and on, and tried adjusting the temperature. No luck. Went outside and stared at the AC unit. Definitely not working.

And definitely time to call somebody… and hope that it could be fixed in time for dinner!

I grabbed my Savvy-Saver card, and looked for the name of the plumbing and heating company that’s run by those three sisters… Gundlach! That’s it!

So I called, and explained my desperate pre-dinner-party situation. They were very courteous, and told me they could send someone right away.

About an hour later, the technician came out, diagnosed the problem, consulted the rate book and told us what it would cost if we wished to go ahead with repair. He explained to me that they are a fixed rate company, and the repair would cost no more than the figure he had just given me – minus the Savvy Saver discount. I was impressed! Most other companies I have dealt with before wouldn’t even tell you exactly how much it would cost until the work was finished.

We happily told him to go ahead. By the time our guests were walking in the front door, the house was cool again and the technician packed up his tools and bid us goodbye. Just in time!

But it didn’t stop there. A few days later, someone from Gundlach called me to make sure that my service call had been satisfactory. I’ve certainly never had that happen before!

It’s no fun having to have an AC repair, but I have to admit that this is the best AC repair experience that I’ve ever had!

Gundlach Plumbing & Heating is an advertiser on


A professional “trailing spouse” and mother of two, Suzanne has lived in several different countries. Her fifth corporate relocation (yes count ‘em, five!) brought her family to Richmond VA in the summer of 2011, and she is really excited about exploring all of the possibilities that Richmond has to offer! Also, she in not moving again. Really. She means it!

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