Pay It Forward, Richmond 2012

Editor’s Note: We want this to be a huge gift for both of these families and we’d love to know what good deeds you’re doing.  Add your good deed in the comments below this post and we’ll choose one winner at random to win a FREE overnight stay in a Family Suite at Great Wolf Lodge Williamsburg, must be used by 3/30/13.

Be sure and see how Midas is paying it forward – check the end of this article for details on how you can get involved.

Last year, our writer Cheryl Lage posted Take Action For an Angel. In it, she told of the loss of their family friend, Abbie Waters from cancer at age 9. She received an email from Abbie’s mom.

Abbie’s Mother Wrote . . .
“We have an idea for Abbie’s stocking this year. You know how she was all about friendship and her friends were/are her world. Well, if

Abbie Waters

you want to do a random act of kindness like letting someone in line ahead of you at Target, picking up a piece of litter, or just doing something extra for a friend or charity in Abbie’s name. . .”

We took the idea and ran with it . . .

and the response was incredible. People were doing everything from buying Starbucks for the person behind them in line to leaving gift cards on strangers’ car windshields.

This year, we have another angel, Michael whom our writer Meghan Mack featured in November’s Rainbow Around The Moon. We knew these two little angels had left such gaping holes in their families’ lives, we had to do this again.

Two angels. Many Opportunities. What can you do this holiday season to show a random action of kindness, in memories of these children, to pay it forward?

If during this holiday season you find a window wherein you can enact a morsel of niceness in remembrance of these children please make a note of it, and leave it in the comments below. We know that your unselfish act will inspire others. Watch out, kindness is contagious.


Mark Smith, owner of Midas of Central Virginia, has blessed lots of people with acts of kindess through the years. And now, he’s partnering with readers to identify a neighbor or friend who could use a helping hand. With so many people experiencing financial and personal difficulties right now, he is paying it forward by giving away a 2013 Car Care Package to someone who really needs the help.

Readers are asked to submit the name of a neighbor or friend who is experiencing difficulties and who could really benefit from a year’s worth of Midas Car Care.  This can be a person who is facing financial difficulties, the recent loss of a job, a medical crisis, or other unfortunate circumstances. The car care gift includes:

  • 3 oil changes
  • 1 state inspection sticker
  • Up to $500 in repairs in 2013

Think about neighbors or friends you know and determine if anyone can truly benefit from this gift. Consider people who can really be helped the most with the gift.

  1. Just click here to confidentially submit information about your nominee.
  2. Submit your nomination no later than December 22, 2012.

Personal information will not be included in any articles or promotions (to protect the individual’s privacy.). We will randomly select one person to receive the generous car care package, complements of Midas of Central Virginia.We are grateful to Mark Smith and his team at Midas for making this possible. It’s a wonderful gift for someone who can really use a lift during the holidays.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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