In-Office Treatment Option for Heavy Bleeding

Virginia Women's CenterJust as the length of one’s menstrual cycle can vary from one woman to the next, the amount of menstrual flow can differ as well. Some women may experience very light periods whereas others may have heavier periods. While it’s not uncommon for menstrual flow to fluctuate from one period to the next, women who experience unusually heavy bleeding most months may have menorrhagia. Menorrhagia is the medical term used to define menstrual periods in which bleeding is abnormally heavy or prolonged. Heavy bleeding is defined as a woman soaking through a pad or tampon every hour during the heaviest days in her cycle.

There are many causes for heavy bleeding as well as a variety of treatment options. In order for your health care provider to make a diagnosis and treatment plan, it is helpful for you to inform your health care provider about your symptoms, including the frequency and length of your periods as well as the number pads or tampons that you soak through each day. It’s also important to note if there are any recent changes or stressors in your life as well as any new medications you are taking or conditions for which you are being treated.

Oftentimes, medications or an intrauterine device (IUD) may be used to help reduce heavy bleeding. However, for some women who have not had success with these options, an endometrial ablation might be recommended. An endometrial ablation destroys the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus, and often can reduce or stop menstrual bleeding. There are different ways that endometrial ablations can be performed. The NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation is a procedure that can be performed in our Virginia Women’s Center offices in just a few short minutes. There are no incisions used and the recovery time is typically a day.

Just like any medical procedure, the NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation is not the right treatment option for all women who are experiencing heavy bleeding. NovaSure® is designed for women who are premenopausal and experience heavy periods due to benign causes and who do not wish to become pregnant in the future. If, based on your individual medical history and symptoms, your health care provider determines you are a candidate for NovaSure®, he or she will discuss the benefits and risks that are associated with the procedure.

In-office surgical procedures at Virginia Women’s Center provide you with the uncompromised medical expertise and dedication to patient safety that you’ve come to know and expect from us. Board-certified anesthesiologists work in tandem with VWC physicians to care for our patients with advanced anesthetic techniques and monitoring equipment. In addition, in-office surgical procedures can help you avoid a trip to the hospital, as well as the anxieties and costs that may be associated with it.

To learn more about the NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation or other in-office surgeries that are offered at Virginia Women’s Center, visit our Web site.

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Virginia Women's Center

Women's health care has changed a lot over the last few decades. That’s why Virginia Women’s Center has brought the medical services women most rely on under one convenient roof. Virginia Women's Center is care that revolves around you.

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