Celebratory or Sentimental?

Putting this note in my daughter’s lunch box this morning pulled my heart in dual directions…

Half of me wants to grab handfuls of confetti and inflate some helium balloons; the other half wants to clutch a box of tissues and pore over photo albums of our twosome’s infancy.

Part of me is straddling the desire to do both—practice some “cele-mental senti-bration.”

How does this time of year make YOU feel?




The exultant mom of now tween twins, Darren and Sarah, Cheryl Lage is a part-time post-producer at the Martin Agency, a freelance writer, author of the bestselling book, Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year (Taylor Trade, c. 2006), and loving wife to her dreamy husband, Scott. Feel free to read their family exploits at Twinfatuation.com .

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