First World Problems


RobinsNestOkay, I swear I’m going to take ten minutes and finally write back to our Foster Child in India! Here goes:

Dear Manisha, congratulations on your good grades! We are so very proud of everything you are accomplishing. Yousef and Dahlia have had very good grades this year too! 

Good so far…

I am sorry I didn’t write back sooner. My computer was in the shop. 

Okay, that was lame! I could have used a pen. Delete that.

You must be very excited about your cousin’s wedding. I’m sure it will be fun! I just had my birthday recently. They got me a new Kindle, and I am really enjoying it. 

Does she even know what a Kindle is? Does she even own books? Delete that…

Yousef made me a cake. 

Okay, cake is good. I think?

Poor Dahlia hurt her thumb very badly recently and had to go to the doctor. Unfortunately, she won’t be able to go to the swimming pool for a couple of weeks. 

Really? She doesn’t even have running water in her house. Scratch that!

But she should be much better in a couple of weeks. 


Something very exciting happened this spring! A robin built a nest in the decoration on our front door and laid eggs! Then the babies hatched out! We had to tell the pizza delivery guy and the UPS guy to go to the side door because  

I’m obviously not very good at this!

I wish I could send you the pretty, blue egg shells, but I don’t think they would make it through the mail, ha, ha. 

Actually, I really wish I could airdrop half our toys into your neighborhood and let all the kids over there enjoy the stuff we don’t need!

You are always in our thoughts and prayers. All the best, 

Mrs. Sherif


A professional “trailing spouse” and mother of two, Suzanne has lived in several different countries. Her fifth corporate relocation (yes count ‘em, five!) brought her family to Richmond VA in the summer of 2011, and she is really excited about exploring all of the possibilities that Richmond has to offer! Also, she in not moving again. Really. She means it!

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