Boost! Your Body, Mind & Happiness! At Science Museum of Virginia



Boost!  is the Science Museum of Virginia‘s first new permanent exhibit in a decade.  It’s Amazing and it opens this weekend!  If  you’re looking to Boost! your creativity, flexibility, memory, strength…(well, you get the picture) this is the place to be.

By using cutting-edge technology, Boost! allows visitors to personalize their experience, track performance and playfully compete with friends and family.

From watching popcorn on the cob being made in the incredible full scale Kitchen Stadium to laying down your own percussion tracks on “More Cowbell” , SMV’s new exhibit will tantalize and mesmerize while challenging your perceptions of wellness, self-improvement and your interactions with the world around you.

Boost Mix

When you first enter the exhibit, you receive a chip with a QR code, which you can use to track your results throughout the interactive exhibit.  The chip is yours to keep, so you can take it back to the Science Museum and track your progress over time.  Challenge yourself (or your whole family) to become more flexible, develop better balancing skills or improve memory.

Brian and I were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at Boost! and this is some of what we learned:

  1. With a bit of practice, we could both learn to walk a tight rope!
  2. Brian could squeeze me into a travel golf bag if he ever needed to (which I sure hope he doesn’t).
  3. Brian can bench press WAY more than me, big surprise, but I can jump higher than him relative to our respective heights.
  4. The interactive yoga exhibit is REALLY popular…we didn’t get a chance to test it out this time, but I’m really excited to go back and play around with that one!!
  5. We both need more sleep and LOTS more play time.

Boost mix2Boost! opens Saturday, June 22nd, and if you can pry yourself away from the exhibit, don’t forget to enjoy everything from Robots to live performances at the Spring N2 Summer celebration’s special outdoor activities and live science demonstrations.  Included with general admission and free for members!

For more details on Boost! and other Science Museum of Virginia exhibits and events, please visit: or call 804.464.1400.

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The Science Museum of Virginia

Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.

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About Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.