Join Out of Darkness Community Walk: Help Prevent Suicide: October 26th

suicide prevention

Article provided by “Out of Darkness”

My brother died by suicide.

Yes, I said it. I will not be silent.  I will not be shamed. I will not further the stigma. I will speak and I will share and I will support others who have been affected by this national health problem that does not discriminate by age, gender, race or socio economic class. It’s a problem that leaves countless family members, friends and co-workers in its wake often unsure of where to turn for help and support.

It’s a problem in our city. It’s a problem in our state. Virginia’s suicide rate is the highest it’s been in 13 years. It’s reported that for every suicide, six people are directly affected. This number is drastically low. They call us suicide survivors…members of a club that no wants to join.

Have you lost a loved one or friend to suicide? Have you wondered how to help, wanted to reach out, did not know what to say? Are you a parent, sibling, cousin or child that wants to make a difference, wants to create something positive out of your pain and loss?

If so, plan to join the Out of the Darkness Community Walk at Deep Run Park on Saturday, October 26th in Henrico. The one to two-mile walk benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. AFSP funds research aimed at improving our understanding of suicide and ways to prevent it as well as educational programs to increase awareness about prevention, warning signs and the psychiatric illnesses that can lead to suicide. Walk registration is at 8:00 am and the walk starts at 9:00. Mental health and grief support booths will be set up to answer questions and provide information and resources.

It is estimated that each year, nearly 1 million Americans make a suicide attempt, more than 38,000 die by suicide, and more than 20 million suffer from depression.

Please show your support by forming an Out of the Darkness team, donating or coming out to cheer on suicide survivors who walk to reduce stigma and advocate for prevention. You can register to walk online and find out more about the Richmond walk at our website Out of the Darkness Community Walk.

I walk because my brother cannot. I will keep his memory alive by advocating for prevention and education here in Richmond. I walk to encourage hope.

I challenge you to speak. Do not remain silent. Suicide is preventable. As always, if you or someone you know needs immediate help, take them to a doctor, mental health professional, hospital emergency room, call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

Other Important Dates

National Suicide Prevention Week – September 8-14
World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10, 2013


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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