13 Ways to Get Your Pumpkin Fix

forget the pieIt’s PSL season and, by now you know that’s where the country goes stark-raving pumpkin-spice mad.

…And I’m right there with them.  I just can’t help myself.

And the good news is: it’s good for you! Alright…. maybe not the 380 calorie Pumpkin Spice Latte but real, actual pumpkin is good for you.

I have a hard time really indulging in pumpkin when it’s 80 degrees out… It just doesn’t feel right. But we’ve dropped into the 70’s a couple times already and October is here!   So, I made a made dash for the pumpkin aisle at Kroger and eagerly grabbed as many cans of pureed pumpkin as my pumpkin-hungry hands could hold.

Now that I have approximately 8 billion cans of pumpkin, I’ve pinterested and googled some simple as pie (but not pie) pumpkin recipes to get my pumpkin fill(ing).

Bonus: These are meat-free and often gluten-free and while I’m not gluten-free (anymore) I still enjoy a good meal without all the wheat and meat.

Fuel my obsession!  What’s your favorite pumpkin recipe?


Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at SarahsMotherBlog.wordpress.com

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