September 30: Osteoporosis

virginia women's centerOsteoporosis is a disease where bones become fragile and are more likely to break. If not prevented or if left untreated, Osteoporosis can painlessly progress. Sometimes, the first symptom of Osteoporosis is when a bone breaks. Fractures in individuals with Osteoporosis typically occur in the hip, spine or wrist.
While men can develop Osteoporosis, it is a disease that is more prevalent in women. In women ages 50 to 59, 40 percent have low bone mass (Osteopenia) and 10 percent have Osteoporosis. In women above age 80, those numbers significantly increase and 90 percent have low bone mass (Osteopenia) and 60 percent have Osteoporosis.

Learn more about the risk factors for Osteoporosis: click here.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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