Talking About Her First Period Without the Cringe-Factor

I have boys. Often, when people ask “Do you ever want a girl?” I laugh and just say “This way I don’t have to deal with periods.”  as if I had dodged a proverbial bullet.

first moon

Seriously, somebody get me one of these.

But when I saw the Iris Co. First Moon Kit… I got kinda… jealous.

A simple cardboard box sat on the table with bright and festive tissue popping out. On top was a little note personally signed by Iris Co. owners Erin and Katie: “Welcome to the beautiful journey of womanhood” printed in pink. “May this kit provide you support, guidance and love.”

Underneath the note lay a treasure of sweet smelling soothers: aromatherapy oil to help ease cramps, a cheerful and colorful compress filled with flax and lavender, a roll on mint-lavender natural perfume oil and a soy votive candle.   In a little organza bag was a beautiful bracelet made of chrysocolla and lapis lazuli, which is a gorgeous deep blue-green marbled color, and a note explaining the meaning and properties of the stones: self-awareness and self-acceptance, as well as physical components that alleviate menstrual pain.

The clutch and compress come in a variety of colorful prints.

The clutch and compress come in a variety of colorful prints.

Erin and Katie really thought of everything when they put together this kit as a meaningful and thoughtful gift for a teenager. They even included a handmade clutch to store pads and tampons out of sight, which gave me memories of my friends (and later myself): awkward, but trying to be discrete; hiding a pad or tampon inside of their sleeve and dashing into the school bathroom with flushed faces and burning ears.


At the very bottom, tucked underneath everything, sits a non-fussy brown envelope, which contains several cards giving a short explanation of what exactly is going on in the body: basic female anatomy, puberty, menstruation, discomforts, pain relief suggestions, and helpful yoga positions.


Maybe it’s something about rummaging through a package and discovering sweet smelling trinkets and pretty jewelry, but suddenly that dreaded talk about puberty and periods felt a lot less like a burden or something to “deal with” and more like a special rite of passage into a secret club. I simultaneously wanted to be the receiver of such a thoughtful present and also the one to gift it.

Perhaps “…because I want to give her an Iris Co. First Moon Kit when she has her first period”  is not a good enough reason to try for a girl, but it could definitely score me “coolest aunt ever” points.  Bravo to Iris Co. for making periods a reason to want a girl and not a deterrent.  You’ll be hearing from my husband when I start trying to convince him to have baby number 4.
The First Moon Kit is available from Iris Co. on Etsy.


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Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at

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