Free Event: Decoding Dyslexia Day

Decoding Dyslexia Day - PosterDid you know that most people who are dyslexic have average or above average intelligence?

What is dyslexia anyway?

You may have heard that dyslexia is reading letters backwards, or difficulty reading in general, but as it turns out, reading and writing issues are just the tip of a complex iceberg with so much below the surface that can go unnoticed or unaddressed.

Timed with dyslexia awareness month, Decoding Dyslexia Day, October 26, is all about uncovering what lies beneath the surface of dyslexia and raising awareness about what dyslexia really is.

Events start at 12:30 pm with keynote speaker Peter Wright, a nationally recognized expert on special education law.
  At 1:30 THE BIG PICTURE: Rethinking Dyslexia an HBO documentary reveals discoveries about dyslexia, great leaders in medicine, business, politics and law who were dyslexics and tips on how to better deal with this different way of thinking.  The film will be followed by a panel discussion about the films impact.

A dyslexia resource center will be open to the public from 12-4pm at The Byrd Theater.

Reserve your free tickets for THE BIG PICTURE: Rethinking Dyslexia
Find out more about Decoding Dyslexia Virginia
Do you think your child might be dyslexic? Here’s what to look for.

Event Schedule:

Decoding Dyslexia Day
Date: October 26, 2013
Location:  Byrd Theater
Key note speaker 12:30pm
Film screening 1:30pm with talk-back
Resource center is open 12noon – 4pm

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