An Interview With a 12 Year Old Race Car Driver

garret racer 2Garrett Manes is not your average 12 year old.  Last year, never having driven a race car before, Manes got behind the wheel with Arena Racing USA and REALLY showed his stuff (at about 45 MPH)!

Arena Racing USA uses half-scale stock cars in a super fun, quick races without the need for earplugs (making it great for kids).  Garrett and his dad Jason Manes are both sponsored by Sweet Frog and you can root for them at the Richmond Coliseum November through April.

We got a chance to chat with Garrett about his upcoming season with Arena Racing USA:

RM:So how long have you been racing?
G: This is my second season

RM: How did you get started?
G: After racing karts for 23 years, my mom took my brother and I to the Arena Races one night. That night when my dad got home, she told him that she wanted him to do this. Six months later my dad had a car and raced for 1 season. Then one night my dad came home and told me that sweetFrog had agreed to sponsor both of us.

RM: Had you ever driven a race car before?
G: No

RM: It looks like last season was pretty good for you. How are you feeling about the season starting up November 9th?
G: We are excited about the upcoming season. We feel the knowledge we learned last year, with another year of experience along with some luck we can have another great year.

RM: How much do you have to practice?
G: My dad gets me out there to practice every chance I can.

RM: What’s the hardest thing about racing and what are you the most proud of?Garret racer 1
G: Holding your line and being consistent every lap. Winning the Championship last year was awesome.

RM: Will I see you on a Wheaties box some day?
G: Hopefully, as things line up along with hard work, it’s a possibility.

RM: Tell me honestly, if you and your dad each got to be in an equal car who would win?
G: My dad would because of the experience he has in racing.

RM: When is the next time we can we see you race?
G: Saturday November 9th, 7:00pm


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