Discover Your Identity then Boost Your Happiness at the Science Museum of Virginia!

fingerprintidentityWhen is the last time you really looked at your ears, rolled your tongue in the mirror and studied your finger tips?  Identity: An Exhibition of You is the latest temporary exhibit at the Science Museum of Virginia and it’s all about me. Well, to me it was, but when you go it will be all about you.

So, what are the things that make you who you are?
When you start through the exhibit, you first learn about your physical traits and how genetics shapes them, as you move through the exhibit, you’ll discover more about your inner self in some pretty amazing ways!  What can your nose tell you about whether or not you like new experiences? How does your reaction to a picture of flowers reflect how outgoing you are?  Do you think male or female?  One I found particularly fascinating, what gender biases do you have?
Identity stands alone as a great exhibit, but it’s also a perfect paring with SMV’s new permanent exhibit Boost!


If the Science Museum had nothing else in it, the ability to visit Boost! any day you want is worth the price of a membership.  The exhibit is beautiful, with plenty of space to move around and explore, which is great because with Boost! you are guaranteed to move!


First, relax and exercise your mind and body with a little bit of yoga, test your reflexes and your strength and learn to tightrope walk.  Then, head to the kitchen stadium to give your health a boost.  A full sized kitchen stands in the middle of the exhibit, where you can sample snacks like popcorn (drizzled with chocolate), kale chips to meals like butternut squash soup.  If you discover something you love,  grab a recipe for healthy food at home.

After your snack, compose music using animatronic instruments, build your memory and discover what makes you happy.  Come back again and again with your QR chip or the Boost! app (leave it to the SMV to take full advantage of technology) and see your progress over time.

If you’re looking for a great way to wear the kids out while they get their learn on AND have fun yourself while doing it, make your way to the Science Museum of Virginia. You won’t regret it.

Identity: An Exhibition of You
is open now until January 4, 2014.
Free with price of admission.
Check out more great things at the Science Museum of Virginia

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