Thank You for a Wonderful Year!


Wow!  Another year comes to an end, but before we say good-bye to 2013, we want to THANK all of YOU, the fantastic and loyal readers, for making the past 12 months so amazing!  All of us at appreciate your support in helping build such an interesting and diverse community for sharing, educating and just plain having fun!

We’d also like to send out a personal thank you to all the wonderful people who make all this happen!  The uncomparable group of writers, contributors and content creators who bring us laughter, tears and everything in between.

Here are a few of the familiar faces – please revisit all the great writing by clicking on their photo.  Also, many of them have their own blogs, so please support them by visiting!  A few more names – no pics – are:  Kristy Roy, Rose Burns, Dorinda Bredbenner, Katie Mardigian and all our guest writers; THANK YOU!  We are humbled by your talent and are truly grateful!


Mary Beth Cox

becky suder

Becky Suder


Cheryl Lage


Alex Iwashyna


Sarah Cole


Jacqueline Sears

julia h

Julia Hembree


Rhonda Day


Suzanne Sherif


Meghan Mack


Fiona Bessey-Bushnell


Kate Hall









HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone!  And here’s to a Wonderful 2014 for All!!

Photo: woodleywonderworks


Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.

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About Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.