Winter is a great time to craft with your children. Finding objects around your house to re-use is easy. Here are two of our favorites with step by step instructions: Valentine Hearts made from broken crayons and whales made from milk jugs.
Wax Valentine Hearts made with broken crayons:
Who doesn’t have a ton of broken crayons laying around our house? This project needs a bit of supervision, especially at the beginning but it turns into fun melted hearts that can be strung or glued onto cards.
To make the wax valentine hearts:
- Take your peeled crayons and shave them down with an old cheese grater. (A grown-up job.)
- Put a towel down, place a sheet of wax paper on the towel, place the crayon shavings on the sheet of wax paper and place another sheet on top, top it off with another towel.
Iron briefly till all the crayons have melted
together.- After the paper is cool cut or have your children cut hearts out.
- String them on some yarn to make a garland or glue them on card stock to make cards.
Whale Milk Jug Craft
Don’t want to just throw away your old milk jugs? Save them so your children can make milk jug whales. After the whales are assembled they can be used in the bathtub or pool.
What you’ll need:
- old milk jugs with labels removed
- scissors
- glue gun
- googly eyes
- white or blue foam pieces
- a whale book if you are using it as a lesson or for some extra reading time.
- If you are doing the craft with small children you will need to cut the “mouth” out for them. Cut the bottom out as shown to the right.
- Have your child color the tail blue if your foam pieces are a different color.
- Take the hot glue gun and glue the tail at the pouring opening and the googly eyes at the other end near the mouth opening.
- There you have it. Milk jug whales for tons of bathtub fun!
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