Every New Year’s Eve, we make a set of resolutions. Whether shallow or deep, the concept of making a resolution is usually some form of self-improvement. In fact, most of us are constantly trying to evolve and improve over time. But what happens when you’ve made the same resolution three years in a row and never actually done anything to follow through? What if you find yourself in a place where you know you need to take an active roll in some part of your life but you’re just… stuck?
That’s when you call Carmen.
Carmen Sullo is a personal coach and she’s not set out to change you, but to partner with you to gain the insight and the confidence to transform how you “show up” in the world and help you create positive change in your life.
“Each week Carmen introduces me to new tools, which have helped me connect with my family at new levels and with a better understanding of each of my children as unique individuals. We become closer as we complete exercises together, adding depth, intimacy, and trust which I know will help us as we approach the teen years.” Single Mom, Calif.
Combining awareness and knowledge of your physical, emotional, and intellectual way of being, Carmen’s coaching helps parents to “show up” to parenting as their best selves. Clients work on things like breathing, posture, understanding emotions, and challenging their world views.
“After a result-less decade of psychotherapy and half a decade more of desperate attempts to live peaceably with our special needs adopted child, I made a coaching appointment with Carmen. At our first session, she introduced me to the idea of using the body and a change of perspective to change a relationship. The VERY NEXT conflict with my daughter ended with the words, “I love you!” The next fizzled in laughter. THERE HASN’T BEEN ANOTHER.” – S.D. Virginia

Carmen is a mother of two, perhaps that’s part of why clients always say “she gets me”.
While not a substitute for therapy, coaching can have a powerful impact on personal relationships as well as your relationship to yourself and to the world. Carmen has helped clients as a leadership coach for years but has become more specialized when it comes to more personal relationships resulting in programs that range from a tailor-made personal approach to parenting and coaching for couples.
If you’re interested in personal coaching, Carmen offers one-on-one coaching, group learning and coaching programs.
If you’re a bit intimidated to take the personal coaching plunge you can always try out a monthly free coaching telecall to get a little bit of a better idea of what coaching is like and how it can work for you.
Coaching came to me at a time in my life when I was struggling to figure out exactly who I was as a mom. I was stuck between how I thought parenting ‘should be’ and how it actually was for me. Coaching helped me find confidence, balance, gratitude and joy.
For me, coaching has the power to change the world… more connected, more peaceful; it’s a place I want my kids to grow up in. Simply put, I coach because I absolutely and completely love my children.
-Carmen Sullo
Visit the ìzandē website to find the plan that is right for you, or contact Carmen to set up an appointment to find the plan that is best for you.
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