Feed the Giraffes!
Have you been to the Metro Richmond Zoo lately? Until last week, it had probably been two years since I had been. (Two years? How did that happen?) But last week, I had the pleasure of enjoying the Zoo alongside approximately a million kindergarteners (including my daughter!).
If you’ve never been to the Zoo, there are over 2,000 reasons to go. That’s because the Zoo boasts being home to over 2,000 animals! According to a recent post on the Zoo’s Facebook page, “The Zoo first opened to the public on April 22, 1995. When we first opened, we had around 250 animals. Since then, we have grown to house about 2000 animals representing over 180 species from around the globe. ”
In addition to the wide array of animals, there are unique ways to interact with the animals that makes this Zoo stand out. You can purchase cups of food ($2) to feed different animals. You can get very up close and personal with lots of giraffes more than eager to eat out of your hand! Or you can purchase a budgie stick ($1), which has bird seed on one end. In the Budgie cage, prepare to have lots of colorful birds sit on you and nibble! Other interactive exhibits include the safari train ride ($3) where you’ll get up close with free-ranging African animals, and Zookeeper-led animal feedings.

The Budgie Birds!
Need a break from all the animal interaction? For $3 you can take a ride over the Zoo on the Safari Sky Ride, to get a new perspective. There’s also the Zoo carousel ($1) which your kids will surely beg to go on at some point.
If you haven’t been to the Zoo in a while, there are so many reasons to go back. First and foremost, babies! Baby animals abound at the Zoo these days! Within the past 6 weeks, baby giraffes, goats, cheetahs, camels and warthogs have been born! Sadly, one of the baby cheetahs recently passed away. I’ve really appreciated that the Zoo has updated the public on the situation on their Facebook page. It has been heartbreaking.
The Zoo has added several new interactive activities. In the Treetop Zoofari zipline and adventure park attraction, guests as young as 8 years old can ride over the Zoo on a series of zip lines. It looks so fun! The Treetop Safari tickets are separate from Zoo admission so use the Website to plan your trip. There’s also a new playground, and the price IS included with your ticket!

The new Treetop Zoofari zipline attraction
I’ve heard critiques of the Zoo is that it’s a far drive from Richmond and that it is expensive. I would argue that good things are worth driving for, especially if those things are zebras, baboons, pythons and camels. The cost? Well yes, it can add up. However, the cost is less than the ticket prices for the amusement parks in similar driving range. Plus, I feel I got some insight through the Kindergarten educational program of how the Zookeepers truly care about the animals and the work they are doing. That’s worth paying for!
If you go, keep in mind that the park is closed on Sundays and some holidays. There are concessions and a gift shop. However, a picnic is fun, especially since there are nice covered picnic areas. I also recommend bringing cash ($1 bills in particular) for those add-on activities. Plan to spend at least two hours to get the most out of your experience (probably longer!). If you think you may come to the zoo more than twice in a year, they do offer a variety of memberships which may be more cost effective. Then you can go whenever you want!