Bring Fresh Air to City Kids

We tend to take the summer for granted, but when you live in a low-income community in New York City, most of your summer is spent on the hot pavement or stuck indoors.

8-year-old Marcus, a New York City child visiting New Hampshire, was frightened by mooing from the neighbor’s farm…His volunteer host mother explained that it was just a cow…She asked “Do you know what cows are?”

Of course, responded Marcus, relieved, “They jump over the moon, right?”

Photo via Fresh Air Fund


The Fresh Air Fund began in 1877 when a tuberculosis epidemic hit the crowded New York City streets.  Since fresh air was seen as a cure for common respiratory ailments,  Reverend Willard Parsons minister of a small, parish in Pennsylvania, asked members of his congregation to serve  as volunteer host families for New York City’s neediest children.

Tuberculosis may no longer be a threat to city kids, but the need for inner-city children to spend a little time outdoors has remained.

Richmond, VA is considered a “friendly town” meaning you can volunteer to give inner-city kids a respite and some much needed time to connect with nature.  Spend a little time running through the sprinklers at Stony Point, going on a walk along the James River, making s’mores and catching fireflies in the backyard.  It’s not about doing anything different than you did last year, but allowing someone else to experience it for the first time.

Read our story about a Real Richmond Mom hosting a child through the Fresh Air Fund.


There is still time to volunteer!
Find out more about how to become a Fresh Air Fund host family today.

Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at

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