Facebook: Where Even Charitable Giving is Controversial

Social media is a powerful tool, nobody can dispute that.

We use it personally to share our photos and our stories, keep connected with family members overseas and across the country.  We watch our kindergarten friend’s children grow, meet new people, seek advice, give comfort.
We share news and information from small things like new local restaurants to national headlines.  Many of us find breaking news on our Facebook or Twitter feeds before seeing them anywhere else.  We come together as a country to support our troops or mourn the death of a beloved celebrity.

But there is another thing we’re really good at doing on Facebook.

Stirring up… drama.


Facebook and the Ice Bucket Challenge

I’m not just talking about election years and political arguments, there is plenty of that on an off social media.

Facebook really can turn even the most non controversial topics into a heated debate.

There is no finer example of this than the current Ice Bucket Challenge.

The Ice Bucket Challenge (for those of you who have spent the last 3 weeks under a rock, on mars, with a blindfold on) involves sharing a video of yourself pouring ice water on your head to raise awareness for ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and challenge three friends respond within 24 hours by either posting their own video, making a donation to an ALS focused nonprofit or, preferably, both.

This seems on the outset, non controversial.

We can all agree that ALS is an awful, heart wrenching and debilitating disease.

It is commonly felt that donating to a non profit is a great thing to do.

And, seeing your friends, relatives, coworkers and even celebrities being doused with ice cold water is great for a laugh.

…and yet…

Somehow I feel like I have heard, read or seen every argument there is for and against dumping ice water on your head.

Photo by Steve Johnson via Flickr

Photo by Steve Johnson via Flickr

It’s not the giving part so much (although it’s come up), but people are really hung up on the ice water thing and as a result compelled to “weigh in” on this controversial topic of ice water and whether or not you are for or against the act of pouring it over your head in the name of charity.

… really guys?

Somehow the last frivolous argument I read (which involved a very accusatory discussion on whether Jamie Dornan was an acceptable choice to play Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades Movie) sounds totally legit.

There are real discussions worth having that social media is perfect for but I don’t think this one is it.

Bucket of ice, or no bucket of ice, I think it’s time to chill out.



If you would like to learn more about ALS and make a tax deductible donation here are a few links (ice optional).

ALS Association

ALS Therapy Development Institute

CCALS – Compassionate Care ALS





Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of three boys, Max, Hudson and Marlowe. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen). She blogs lovingly but sporadically at SarahsMotherBlog.wordpress.com

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