College football and basketball (and some other sports I should probably care about) are important down south, and as a transplanted Yankee who went to Brown University, I’m at a complete loss. Although I did attend the University of Virginia School of Medicine in my twenties, I only got to a few games and I was too tired to care. Plus, I still get the Wah-hoo-wah song wrong. I probably won’t mind as much about spending my Saturdays reading and watching Netflix, but my kids are born and bred southerners and I feel like they need a team. I have imparted upon them my NFL team (Go Giants!), but I feel like they are missing out on the college rivals in our neighborhoods and schools.
I know we could adopt UVa without much explanation, but it’s just far enough away and medical school was just traumatic enough that Scott and I aren’t into it.
We could pick Clemson if only because we already have a built fan base in my brother-in-law and sister so they can teach my kids everything about the team, but it’s really far away. My kids already love a far away NFL team, and it’s hard to be a displaced fan (although easier when the local team is terrible) as is.
We could adopt a local college team like the University of Richmond or VCU (well VCU would only be for basketball). We have many friends who love them both (although not often at the same time). We have no personal affiliation with U of R except that my kids thought the big spider painted on the road was cool. On the other hand, the kids were born at VCU’s hospital and Scott did his residency there. It doesn’t solve our football problem although maybe an entire weekend of football would be a little much for my soccer-loving husband.
I’ve never not liked the New York Giants so I don’t know how this team adoption works. How did you end up with your college football and basketball team?