Bring Hugs and Kisses to Your School for Free

Hugs and kisses 1

It’s hard to talk to kids about sexual abuse, but it’s an incredibly important subject and essential to safe guarding your kids against danger.

Hugs and Kisses 2Hugs and Kisses, written by Bruce Craig Miller and A. Terry Bliss has been delivering an important message on this sensitive subject to elementary schools for 30 years. Hugs and Kisses teaches the concepts of good touch, bad touch and secret touch in a sensitive, age appropriate way.  Through the play, children are empowered to say “no” to inappropriate touch, appreciate their bodies and what to do if someone has touched them in a way that makes them uncomfortable (and importantly, that it is not their fault).

This award winning child safety program inoffensively handles the subject of child sexual abuse for grades K – 5. For a limited time Virginia Rep is able to offer this life saving program to Virginia elementary schools free of charge.

For more information and booking, please contact Jade McGill at


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