Pie Five: Fresh, Fun & Fast!

FullSizeRenderOk, so here’s the run down: 2 parents that love pizza, one kid that can take it or leave it and one that says “eww” anytime you mention it.

The challenge; to try Pie Five’s pizza offerings and see how things shake out. No easy task let me tell ya.

So, Pie Five is an assembly line style “make your own” a la Chipotle, Subway, etc. a fast-casual chain based in Dallas, Texas with two locally owned stores here in Richmond. We visited their brand new location near VCU (810 W. Grace St.) and what a perfect spot for them! There is also a location in Glen Allen.

You get to choose from standard styles and combinations or create your own individual pizza.  They offer four different crusts (including gluten-free & whole grain) and also have salad options and some pretty tasty looking desserts.

First thing we noticed was they had super friendly and attentive staff. As they made our pizzas, they asked how it FullSizeRender (1)looked and if it was ok, every step of the way.  A nice touch.

Dough made in-house throughout the day and not frozen and ingredients that looked fresh and vibrant. Off to a great start.

After the pizzas are put together, they go through a custom pizza oven that moves the pizzas through on a conveyor and – Voila – all done.  Fast like 145 seconds fast!

Now for the real test.

FullSizeRender (3)Pizzas were good but fast does come with its draw backs. Using fresh dough and quality ingredients definitely make a huge difference in the final pizza, but it does have a bit of that quick made taste and feel happening. For a fast and well priced lunch or dinner, certainly a fantastic option.

We liked our pizzas, but the kids were the ones that had final say.  Lira enjoyed her pizza and ate the whole thing sans crust – which is her usual M.O. – and Luca, despite his dislike of pizza, actually ate one and a half pieces and everyone else’s crust.  A big success for the non-pizza eater, although he ultimately gave pizza in general a big thumbs down!FullSizeRender (4)

If you’re looking for a quick dinner or lunch to feed the kids while you’re out and about, this is a great place to take them.  Especially if you have pizza lovers in the family.  Fresh ingredients, fun to watch and definitely fast.



Pie Five provided us with four individual pizzas and a fountain drink for this review.  All opinions are our own and there’s definitely no way to stifle Luca’s strong opinions.