5 New Year’s Resolutions for Parents

Family Warming Feet By Fire

New Year’s resolutions are hard to make and even harder to keep.  The thought of working out every day or giving up something you enjoy is daunting and it’s easy to get burnt out on these kinds of resolutions by February.  So instead of creating unrealistic resolutions we wanted to share 5 simple lifestyle adjustments.

  1. Put down the phone: Set aside a certain amount of time everyday where you can completely unplug and give your kids your undivided attention.  It can be hard for working parents to leave work at the office so it is important to have a designated time where you can focus on family.
  2. Talk less, listen more: Parents are often providing guidance or telling their children what to do.  Take a step back and be purposeful in listening to your kids.  Prompt them with meaningful questions to understand what they are thinking and how they are feeling.  Your kids are going to treasure that you value their thoughts and feelings.
  3. Foster an attitude of giving: Get your kids in the habit of giving.  Having them choose a charity or organization that they have a heart for will increase their desire to get involved.  Make a habit of volunteering or donating consistently throughout the year so your kids can develop a habit of giving early on.
  4. Have a relationship with your spouse in front of your kids: It is easy to get into a habit of only co-parenting in front of your kids.  It is important for them to see the way you interact with each other. It is very reassuring for children to see their parent’s love for another.  It gives them a sense of security and a feeling that their family is healthy.
  5. Note of encouragement: Who doesn’t enjoy receiving small notes of encouragement?  Leaving little notes in your kids lunchbox or by their toothbrush in the morning if you leave early for work let’s them know you are thinking about them.  It may only take a couple of seconds to write a small note but it will have a big impact on your child’s day.

Michelle Smith

Michelle is a young adult trying to strike a balance between accepting the ladder and holding on for dear life to the former. She is a photographer, pop culture enthusiast, caffeine connoisseur, critically acclaimed napper, dog lover and champion of spending too much money at Target. She’s passionate about progress, community, and kindness and she is fully embracing the opportunity that working with Richmondmom affords her in pursuing those passions.

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