Signs You’re Becoming Your Mom

If you’ve been a mother for more than five minutes, then chances are you’ve already had the horrifying moment when you say or do something and realize – no matter how much you swore it would never happen to you – you’re becoming your mom. Maybe it’s something you find yourself saying, or maybe it’s the first time you lick your own thumb to wipe a stray bit of jelly off your child’s face. Whatever it is, becoming your mom always comes as a shock.

With Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow, now is the time to not only reflect on our roles as mothers, but also on the women we modeled ourselves after. And like it or not, becoming your mom is just a fact of life. For some, being “mom” starts as early as college. These were the girls that always had an extra tissue in their bag and were never late to class. But others hold on to what they think is their own unique identity as long as possible…until that fateful day when the words, “Don’t make me turn this car around!” come spilling out of their mouths and they realize…the transformation has begun.

But as this “infomercial” show us, help is out there! With a highly trained team of millennials standing by to take your call, you can work your way through any situation. Need help with technology? They’re there to help. Find yourself shopping at “mom stores”? Call the hotline! They’ll direct you to the nearest chic shop you’ve never even heard of..until you take a detour to Talbot’s. Whatever the need, you can count on a bored, slightly annoyed millennial to get you back on track.

But, then again, as you’ll hear in this hilarious parody, if you’ve already become your mom…don’t worry. Because your mom is awesome.

So happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there…and may we all be the kind of moms that our kids don’t mind becoming one day!

To see more hilarious and heartwarming videos that are fun for the whole family, be sure to visit Richmond Mom’s Share Saturdays page!